Movie - Sleepy Hollow - Reviews in United States - Listings United States

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All-Reviews - Sleepy Hollow
Reviews of the movie Sleepy Hollow, starring Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci and directed by Tim Burton

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Filmtracks: Sleepy Hollow
Includes reviews, audio clips, track listings, pictures, and other notes about the Sleepy Hollow soundtrack by Danny Elfman

HARO Online - Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow It is a safe assumption that most people's familiarity with Washington Irving classic tale the Legend of Sleepy Hollow is from the Disney film from many years ago. As enjoyable as ...

Idle Brain - Sleepy Hollow
You are at Home Angreji Philums Review Reviewer: Fultoo Sleepy Hollow Director: Tim Burton Cast: Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci and all and sundry Fultoo's Rating : * Head could barely stop ...

The Celebrity Cafe: Sleepy Hollow
To those easily frightened, beware, this is not Disney! A remake like only Tim Burton could create. Starring Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci

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USA > Entertainment and Leisure > Movies > S > Sleepy Hollow > Reviews

LastModified: Jan-02-13 V4

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