Disabilities in California - Listings United States
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Access Northern CaliforniaAccess Northern California Ramping the way to accessible travel Welcome to the site for accessible tourism and recreation in Northern California. Access Northern California (ANC) is a non-profit ...
http://www.accessnca.com/ - |
California Department of Developmental ServicesHome Page for the California Department of Developmental Services
http://www.dds.ca.gov/ - |
California Department of RehabilitationMission - to assist Californians with disabilities in obtaining and retaining employment and maximizing their ability to live independently in their communities.
http://www.rehab.cahwnet.gov/ - |
California Rehabilitation OrganizationsAbout Us Site Map Text-only CRA WEBSITES East Bay / San Francisco Coast Counties Counseling Association CRA-North, Inc. CRA-South Site Tools Font size: S, M, L, XL Bookmark this page Print this ...
http://www.carehab.org/ - |
California Supported Living NetworkThe mission of CSLN is to advocate for the systematic development and maintenance of quality supported living services in our state so that persons with developmental disabilities have the ...
http://www.supportedliving.com/ - |
Family Village - California ResourcesInformation, resources, communication opportunities for persons with disabilities.
http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/comm/california.html - |
Learning Disabilities Association of CaliforniaLDA-CA is the California affiliate of LDA, a national organization of parents, professionals and individuals with learning disabilities. The site contains extensive information about learning ...
http://www.ldaca.org/ - |
Resources for Californians and Others with Physical Disabilities or DisfigurementsRESOURCES for Californians (and others) affected by physical disability or disfigurement WELCOME TO MY HOME PAGE! My name is Sandy Goodwick. I am from 'the Golden State' (California), a teacher ...
http://sandygo.tripod.com/ - |
Willie Ross Foundation for the Developmentally DisabledThe Mission of the Foundation is to meet the needs of adult individuals who are dual diagnosed with a developmental disability and deafness or are non-verbal, and who manifest serious behavioral ...
http://www.willierossfoundation.org/ - |
Inside California
24 Hour Caregivers - Homecare (Los Angeles)
New!24 Hour Caregivers is a Los Angeles based homecare agency providing professional home health care services and caregivers to seniors and individuals with disabilities.
https://www.24hourcaregivers.com/ - |
Ability Center (Stanton)
Mobility store specializing in quality discounted mobility solutions. Custom accessible conversions, scooters, wheelchairs, lifts, hand controls and service center. San Diego and Orange County ...
http://www.abilitycenter.com/ - |
Ability Counts, Inc. (Corona)
Ability Counts Inc. a nonprofit organization aiding individuals with developmental disibilities to obtain employment training.
http://www.abilitycounts.org/ - |
Arc Fresno (Fresno)
Located in California's Central Valley, ARC Fresno serves the. Throughout the Central Valley, DDG Inc. has managed projects involving industrial warehouses, shopping centers, office buildings, and apartments.
http://www.arcfresno.org/ - |
Arc of Amador and Calaveras Counties (Amador County)
Serving people with developmental disabilites since 1971.
http://www.arcofamador.org/ - |
Bakersfield ARC (Bakersfield)
About Us Industries Programs Client Corner Shop at BARC BARC Foundation How Can I Help? Upcoming Events BARC – Bakersfield A.R.C 2nd Annual Community Recycling… by admin on August 24, ...
http://barc-inc.org/ - |
Braille and Talking Book LibraryCalifornia Home Home About: Mission Location / Hours Staff Contacts Jobs at CSL Press Releases More. Research: Online Catalogs Electronic Databases CA Research Bureau Braille & Talking Books ...
http://www.library.ca.gov/html/pubser05.cfm - |
Braille InstituteOur mission is to eliminate blindness and severe sight loss as a barrier to a fulfilling life through education and support services.
http://www.brailleinstitute.org/ - |
Break the Barriers (Fresno)
Break The Barriers or BTB of Fresno, CA - Bringing people who experience various abilities into the able-bodied world of sports and arts.
http://www.breakthebarriers.org/ - |
Bright Solutions for Dyslexia (San Jose)
Sharing the latest dyslexia research results, plus assessment and teaching methods
http://www.dys-add.com/ - |
California Chapter of The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (CAL-TASH)California Chapter of TASH Equity, Opportunity Inclusion for People with Disabilities California Join Us At Our Annual Summer Symposium Supporting Students With Autism and Other Disabilities In ...
http://www.tash.org/chapters/caltash/ - |
California Department of Education: Special Education DivisionInformation and resources to serve the unique needs of persons with disabilities so that each person will meet or exceed high standards of achievement in academic and nonacademic skills.
http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/ - |
California State Independent Living Council (Independence)
California State Independent Living Council (SILC) WWW.CALSILC.ORG 1600 K St., Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 445-0142 Fax: (916) 445-5973 TTY/TDD: (916) 445-5627 Updated – January 6, ...
http://www.calsilc.org/ - |
CDPThe National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners promotes standards of excellence in dementia and Alzheimer's education to professionals and other caregivers who provide services to ...
http://www.nccdp.org/ - |
Center for Accessible TechnologyWe provide access to assistive technology that gives people with disabilities access to computers; provide art programs to provide access to artistic expression; and offer ongoing consultation and ...
http://www.cforat.org/ - |
Center for Independent Living (CIL) (Berkeley)
The Center for Independent Living (CIL) is a national leader in helping people with disabilities live independently and become productive, fully participating members of society.
http://www.cilberkeley.org/ - |
Computer Access Center (Adin)
Assisting public members and the health professional oversight bodies on which they serve User login Username: * Password: * Create new account Request new password Primary Navigation About CAC ...
http://www.cacenter.org/ - |
Connections Referral Service (Los Angeles)
Information and Referral to Retirement Homes, Assisted Living Homes, Board and Care Homes, Alzheimers Homes, Skilled Nursing Facilities (also known as skilled nursing homes or convalescent ...
http://carehomefinders.com/ - |
Deaf Counseling, Advocacy and Referral Agency (San Francisco)
http://www.dcara.org/ - |
Disability Benefits 101Disability Benefits 101 gives you tools and information on employment, health coverage, and benefits. You can plan ahead and learn how work and benefits go together.
http://www.db101.org/ - |
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Inc.A national disability rights law and policy center that advances the civil and human rights of people with disabilities through legal advocacy, training, education, and public policy and legislative development.
http://www.dredf.org/ - |
Disabled Resources Center, Inc. (Long Beach)
Disabled Resources Center empowers people with disabilities to live independently in the community, to make their own decisions about their lives and to advocate on their own behalf.
http://www.drcinc.org/ - |
Fiesta Educativa Inc.About Us . Fiesta Educativa was founded in California in 1978 to inform and assist Latino families in obtaining services and in caring for their children with special needs. Fiesta Educativa was ...
http://www.fiestaeducativa.org/ - |
Foresee Orthopedic Products (Oakdale)
4C Orthopedic specilizes in fabricating materials including: Epox-Acryl, Laminating Resin, Braided Carbon, Sleeve; lower extremity components like Universal Offset, Pyramid Adapters, Pyramid ...
http://www.4corthopedic.com/ - |
Goodwill Industries 0f Orange County (Orange County)
Welcome to the Goodwill of Orange County website. Maybe you are an Orange County business looking to hire a team of Goodwill-trained workers to take care of your company's document destruction. Or perhaps you would like to refer someone with a
http://www.ocgoodwill.org/ - |
Greater Long Beach South Bay Chapter, Autism Society of America (Long Beach)
http://www.greaterlongbeach-asa.org/ - |
Home of Guiding Hands (Lakeside)
Home of Guiding Hands, in East San Diego County, provides residential opportunities for people with multiple developmental disabilities
http://www.guidinghands.org/ - |
Independent Living CentersMission - to assist Californians with disabilities in obtaining and retaining employment and maximizing their ability to live independently in their communities.
http://www.rehab.cahwnet.gov/ils/ - |
Jewish Deaf Community Center (Los Angeles County)
Jewish Deaf Community Center - Reaching jewish deaf people everywhere! JDCC provides news of interest to Jewish people who are deaf, hard of hearing or hearing impaired. The JDCC Newsletter webpage contains feature articles, Jewish Deaf Tidbits,
http://www.jdcc.org/ - |
Love 2 Learn Consulting (Huntington Beach)
Serving children with autism in Orange County, California. Treatment is based on applied behavior analysis (ABA) by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA).
http://www.l2lconsulting.com/ - |
M.A.R.E. (Bakersfield)
Home About Us Staff Board of Directors Photo Gallery Programs Horses Riders Volunteering Giving Sponsors News/Events DONATE TODAY facebook twitter MARE – Mastering Abilities Riding Equines ...
http://mareridingcenter.com/ - |
Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center (Sonoma)
Empowering families of children with special needs to successfully understand and access the systems that serve them. (Shop and help Matrix) (Donate to Matrix via credit card) Employment ...
http://www.matrixparents.org/ - |
MOVE International (Bakersfield)
Home About Us Newsletter (pdf) Annual Report (pdf) Curriculum Training/Events Products Model Sites MOVEing Stories Research Request Information Please Give Discussion Forum PDC FAQ Contact Us ...
http://www.move-international.org/ - |
National Institute of Arts and Disabilities (Contra Costa County)
A studio art program located in Richmond, CA, that promotes creativity, independence, dignity, and community integration for people with developmental and other disabilities
http://niadart.org/ - |
OPARCOPARC is a non-profit organization located in the Inland Empire region of Southern California and dedicated to helping people with disabilities and their families.
http://www.oparc.org/ - |
Parents Helping Parents (Santa Clara County)
Parents Helping Parents Helps Families with Children with Special Needs
http://www.php.com/ - |
Protection & Advocacy, Inc. (Los Angeles)
http://www.disabilityrightsca.org/ - |
Rafer Johnson Children's Center (Bakersfield)
Principal: Andrea Wilson 1100 Ninth Street Bakersfield, California 93304 Phone 661.631.5850 Fax 661.631.3289 A Special Needs School (Infant - Kindergarten) of the Bakersfield City School District ...
http://schools.bcsd.com/jchildrens/ - |
Reading Teacher (San Jose)
Educational therapist site that offers help to those with reading problems.
http://www.readingteacher.com/ - |
Ricon Group (Panorama City)
Personal Mobility Commercial Transit/Motorcoach School Bus Transit Bus Windows Warranty Registration Form Personal Mobility Dealer Room Techinical Documents Service School Registration Spare Parts ...
http://www.riconcorp.com/ - |
Rolling Start (San Bernardino)
http://rollingstart.com/ - |
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