Loomis, California (CA) Business, Travel, and Local Directory
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Animals & Pets - Services & Supplies
Cleokat PersiansWelcome to Cleokat Persians. We are dedicated to breeding only the highest quality Persians. Persians have been revered for centuries, dating back to the Egyptian era. Cleopatra loved cats and ...
http://www.cleokat.com/ - |
Loomis Basin Equine Medical CenterLoomis Basin Equine Medical Center is a veterinary hospital and practice specializing in horses, camelids and large animals serving Placer County, surrounding communities, Wilton and the foothills.
http://lbemc.com/ - |
Automotive - Motorcycles
MC ConceptsMC Concepts Racing. Motorcycles (dirt & street), Jetskis, Watercraft, Snowmobiles, ATVs, Quads, 3-wheelers, Full services, machine shop, accessories, etc.
http://www.mc-concepts.com/ - |
Marina Pacifica TravelCruise Dept Hawaii Tahiti Mexico Honeymoon Price Quotes 562-594-8806 714-842-0955 Fax 562-430-0062 E-mail California Seller Of Travel Number 207452-10 . BEST RATE AVAILABLE: THAT’S OUR PLEDGE TO ...
http://www.marina-pacifica-travel.com/ - |
Loomis Municipal Codehttp://municipalcodes.lexisnexis.com/codes/loomis/ - |
Education - Grade Schools K12
Del Oro High SchoolConstruction Update (7/9/03) 3301 Taylor Road Loomis, CA 95650 (916) 652-7243 fax: 652-3706
http://www.puhsd.k12.ca.us/deloro/ - |
Loomis Basin Horsemen's AssociationLBHA, the Loomis Basin Horsemen's Association dedicated to basin trails, the arena, Traylor Ranch and the Rural Lifestyle
http://www.garlic.com/~lbha/ - |
Martial Arts
Jujitsu-Do Martial Art CenterTake Jiujitsu lessons and learn the martial art system in which all other systems are found …and much more!
http://jujitsu-do.com/ - |
Moving & Storage
FindStorageFast New!Findstoragefast.com helps you locate self storage facilities anywhere in California. For more details visit our website and we'll help you with all of your self storage and vehicle storage needs in ...
https://loomis-ca.findstoragefast.com/ - |
Religion - Christian
First United Methodist Church, LoomisFirst United Methodist Church in Loomis, Califorinia
http://www.loomisfumc.org/ - |
Loomis Basin Dolphins Swim TeamLoomis Basin Dolphins - We are a recreational swim team. Having an unchanging commitment to provide a fun, participative, recreational swim team experience for swimmers and their families..
http://www.loomisdolphins.org/ - |
Loomis, CA On-line WeatherLoomis, CA On-line Weather is a community web site reporting current conditions, high and low temperatures, rainfall and humidity daily; There are many related, exciting and interesting links, ...
http://www.ppgn.com/loomisweather.html - |
Secret Ravine Vineyards and WinerySecret Ravine vineyard and Winery, Loomis CA - Visit the vineyard and winery, sample our wines while you learn about wine making and wine grape growing or just relax and enjoy the ambiance of ...
http://www.secretravine.com/ - |
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