Add/Modify Listing

$10 USDUSD Submission of a new listing (one time fee).
There are no renewal fees, ever.
$2.50 USDUSD 3rd or more modifcation request (price is per request) involving changes to titles, descriptions, locations, categories, or keywords (first 2 modifications are free).
The submission form will let you know if there's a charge involved (past requests are tracked in our databases)

We approve the vast majority of submissions, but reserve the right to reject a submission if it doesn't meet our Qualification Guidelines, or if we deem the site unsuitable for our directories.

There's no annual or other renewal fees.

Submission (and payment when applicable) does not guarantee inclusion in our directories, nor acceptance of any listing information or modification request.

We use Paypal for secure transactions.

Important Note: submissions that are approved have their urls passed normally (i.e. they get the full benefit of passed page rank) on pages in the directory they're listed on. We only use nofollow for listing urls that are unpaid and unmodified by their owners, or if we've received a nofollow type of request from an owner.

Please read our Blog Posting for more info on this policy.

If you've password protected your listing, but can't remember your password, Contact Us, and be sure to tell us the url of the website you're trying to modify.

We'll send the password to the email address currently associated with that listing.

Does your site Qualify for inclusion?

A website qualifies for inclusion in the U.S. directory if it meets one of the following criteria:

The organization/person is ....
- based in United States, or is a U.S. citizen (if outside United States, when submitting a non-business site)
- based outside of United States, but has significant U.S. content or reach (eg. Corel)

Websites that DON'T qualify include:

- non-U.S. sites that do some U.S. business, but don't have significant content that specifically targets U.S. residents (eg., if you had a FAQ for U.S. customers, you'd probably qualify for inclusion)
- affiliates of work-at-home sites, such as
- "for sale/rent", etc. pages that are designed to sell/rent a particular property, and will become invalid once that property is sold/rented.
- sites with x-rated or obscene content. Some sites with adult content, however, can qualify if the site reflects true artistic/creative expression, or the content is a legitimate part of a public-interest site, or is presented in good taste (eg., an adult novelty webstore that uses good sense in its product displays).
- escort or adult entertainment sites. (We try to keep content PG rated as much as possible).

Additional Criteria

A submission may be rejected if the url/website submitted:
- has virtually identical content as a different url/website already in the directory
- is mainly an "under construction" or domain placeholder page, or similar
- generates a 404 or other browser error

There's no charge for:

  • The first 2 modification requests for ANY listing involving changes to titles, descriptions, locations, categories, or keywords
  • Any changes to the url of a listing (within reason)
  • Deletion requests
We welcome new submissions. Each submission request is manually verified by one of our team, and we'll contact you if we need additional info before processing your request.

There's a one time cost of $10 for processing new additions, to cover the cost of staff time.
Requests to change the url of an existing listing, or to delete a listing, are handled at no charge. (Make sure you choose the applicable option from the dropdown list in the form below!)
Your first 2 modifications to an existing listing are free, and after that, it's only $2.50 per request (to cover staff time cost).

Questions? Feel free to Contact Us. Our thanks for your submission!

  • To add a new site, just enter your url below and click the Next button
  • If you want to modify an existing listing, make sure the url entered below exactly matches the one that appears in our directory.

If you're submitting a NEW site, Only submit the site if it's a U.S. site, or
has significant U.S. content. (otherwise, it will probably be rejected)

When will my Submission Appear?

We normally process submissions weekly, so your listing (or changes) should appear within 7 days of submission.

Url (include http:// or https://)

Select Option:

If this is an existing listing, and you have password protection, enter the password.

Listings United States