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United States Wide Little NickyReviews of the movie Little Nicky, starring Sdam Sandler and Patricia Arquette and directed by Steven Brill - Modify | Report
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HARO Online
Little Nicky People say that Adam Sandler's comedy is stupid, and to a certain extent, they are right. What they fail to recognize is that, in a way, Sandler is a genius. Sure is humor is not ... - Modify | Report
IMDb - Little Nicky (2000)
Directed by Steven Brill. With Adam Sandler, Patricia Arquette, Harvey Keitel. A movie about the independent minded son of Beelzebub and the mischief he creates. Visit IMDb for Photos, Showtimes, ... - Modify | Report
PopMatters - Little Nicky - Modify | Report
Rotten Tomatoes - Little Nicky
Little Nicky movie reviews, trailers - Check out Rotten Tomatoes Little Nicky clips, pictures, critic and user reviews, forums and the Tomatometer! - Modify | Report
You Think Hell Is Wild? Welcome to New York
I'll say this much for Adam Sandler: the man is not vain. In 'Little Nicky' he proves himself willing to go to extraordinary lengths to cement his claim to being the most popular portrayer of - Modify | Report
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USA > Entertainment and Leisure > Movies > L > Little Nicky