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HARO Online: My Architect - A Son's JourneyMy Architect In 1974, architect Louis I. Kahn died in Penn Station of a heart attack. The obituaries said he was survived by a wife and daughter, but soon, everybody would discover that he had two ... - Modify | Report
IMDb: My Architect - A Son's Journey (2003)
My Architect - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, Fan Sites - Modify | Report
My Architect
The story of one man's search to know the hidden heart of his father, Louis I. Kahn. - Modify | Report
Rotten Tomatoes: My Architect - A Son's Journey
Review: A moving and enlightening documentary about architect Louis Kahn. - Modify | Report
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