Movie - Superman-2004 in United States - Listings United States

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United States Wide Brand of Steel
How to revive the ''Superman'' franchise.'s Brian Hiatt gives some unsolicited advice on the new Man of Steel movie,,221592~1~0~howtorevivesuperman,00.html

Metropolis: The Superman Fan Site
Kent Kent 1 2 2003-02-03T20:05:00Z 2003-02-03T20:07:00Z 1 Guy in his Basement Productions 1 1 9.2720 Search: Lycos Tripod Dating Search Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site Browse Sites « ...

Superman Returns Buy 'Superman Returns' Posters Starring: Brandon Routh, Stephan Bender, Kate Bosworth, Sam Huntington, Marlon Brando, Frank Langella, James Karen, Mike Massa, James Marsden, Kal ...

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LastModified: Jan-02-13 V4

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