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United States Wide Waking Ned DevineReviews of the movie Waking Ned Devine, starring Ian Bannen and David Kelly and directed by Kirk Jones - Modify | Report
Allwatchers: Waking Ned Devine
Movie review site filled with extremely detailed description of plots, settings, characters, and themes. - Modify | Report
Apollo Movie Guide: Waking Ned Devine
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Cranky Critic: Waking Ned Devine
Cranky Critic® movie reviews: Waking Ned Devine starring Ian Bannon and David Kelly. Cranky rates the new movies by the hardest scale around - the cost of a ticket. Is a flick worth the ... - Modify | Report
Crescent Blues Movie Views: Waking Ned Devine
'Waking Ned Devine' Irish Magic: If you're looking for a feel-good movie, one full of laughs and love, look no further. By Joan Fuchsman. - Modify | Report
IMDb: Waking Ned Devine (1998)
Directed by Kirk Jones. With Ian Bannen, David Kelly, Fionnula Flanagan. When a lottery winner dies of shock, his fellow townsfolk attempt to claim the money. Visit IMDb for Photos, Showtimes, Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, - Modify | Report
Mr. Cranky: Waking Ned Devine
Mr. Cranky's review of Waking Ned Devine. What everyone else is to scared to say. - Modify | Report
MRQE: Waking Ned (1998)
Summary index of reviews of 'Waking Ned (1998)' from MRQE, the Web's largest online directory of movie reviews - Modify | Report
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USA > Entertainment and Leisure > Movies > W > Waking Ned Devine