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Religion - Baptist
Kihei Baptist ChapelOfficial website of Kihei Baptist Chapel, a local Southern Baptist congregation in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii. Offers worship service times, beliefs, a collection of resources, and its ministries. Kihei ... - Modify | Report
Religion - Catholic
Saint Theresa ChurchAloha, this is the website for St. Theresa Church in Kihei, Maui - Modify | Report
Religion - Christian
Hope ChapelChurches on Maui: A Christian church with an emphasis on contemporary inspirational worship and sound Bible teaching. Serves about 1, 000 members, located in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii. churches in maui, ... - Modify | Report
Religion - Judism
Jewish Congregation of MauiWhere Jews and people of the Jewish faith gather on Maui. Serving Reform and Conservative congregations - Modify | Report
Kihei Canoe ClubKihei Canoe Club is located in South Maui across from Suda store. KCC is home to competitive and recreational paddlers of all ages. - Modify | Report
Maui Croquet Club
Website of the Maui Croquet Club, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, United States of America. - Modify | Report
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