Saint Clair County: Complete Category Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W

Accommodations (3)
 • Bed & Breakfast (1)
 • Hotels & Motels (1) & inns
Agriculture (1)
Air Conditioning (2) incl. Heat Exchangers
Alumni - K12 (1)
Animals (2)
Apparel (1)
Appliances (1)
Appraisals & Inspections - General (1)
Area Guides (2) Community & regional information sites, & regional directories & info
Arts & Crafts (3)
 • Crafts (1) Quilting, woodcarving, stained glass, ceramics
 • Supplies & Services (1) & Framing
 • Woodcarving (1)
Attractions (1)
Automotive (13)
 • Body Work (1)
 • Collision Repair (1)
 • Dealers (9)
 • Driver Training (1) car & truck driver training (see motorcycle category for motorcycle training)
 • Motorcycles (1)
 • Repair & Parts (2)

Badminton (1) inc. squash
Banks & Credit Unions (2)
Boating (1)
Business (81)
Business Organizations (2) incl. Chambers of Commerce
Business to Business (3)

Car Racing (1)
Careers (1)
Casinos (2)
Catholic (3)
Childcare & Preschool (1) daycare & babysitting
Children (1)
Chiropractors (1)
Christian (22)
Cinemas, Movies & Video (2)
Cleaning & Janitorial (1) & Dry Cleaning, Chimney Cleaning, supplies
Clinics (2) & clinics, related services
Community Services (2)
Computers (4)
Construction (7)
 • Contractors (1)
 • General Services (2) doors, windows, renovations, painting, excavation, concrete, roofing
 • Landscaping (1)
 • Plumbing, Heating, Refridgeration & Air Conditioning (2) incl. Heat Exchangers
Consulting (1)
Consumer Electronics (1)
Contractors (1)
Cosmetic Surgery (1) incl. skin laser treatments
Cothing (1)
Crafts (1) Quilting, woodcarving, stained glass, ceramics
Cycling (1)

Dance (1)
Daycare (1) daycare & babysitting
Dining (4)
Driver Training (1) car & truck driver training (see motorcycle category for motorcycle training)

Education (16)
 • Alumni & Reunions (1)
 • Grade Schools K12 (9)
 • Home Schooling (1)
Employment (1)
 • Careers (1)

Farming (1)
Finance (3)
Flowers & Florists (3)
Football (1) and rugby
Freight (1)
Funerals (1)

Gambling (2)
Genealogy (1) links & information
Girl Guides (1) inc. Brownies and Pathfinders
Golf (1)
Government (7) institutions & related services
 • Municipal (5) towns & cities
Government: Federal (1) departments, MP's, registries, boards, & commissions

Health (22)
 • Chiropractors (1)
 • Cosmetic Surgery (1) incl. skin laser treatments
 • Dentists (1)
 • Hospitals & Clinics (2) & clinics, related services
 • Organizations (1)
 • Women's (1)
Heating (2) incl. Heat Exchangers
Historical Sites (1)
Hobbies (2)
Home Schooling (1)
Hospitals (2) & clinics, related services
Hotels (1) & inns

Insurance (1)
Internet (2)
 • Portals & Web Rings (1)
 • Providers (1)
 • Web Design (2)
 • Web Services (2)

Landscaping (1)
Law (6) lawyers, law firms, law societies, & legal information
Law Enforcement (1) Police, RCMP
Law Firms (6)
Lawyers (6)
Libraries (1)
Literature (2)
Lutheran (1)

Methodists (4)
Mining (1)
Mortgages (1)
Motels (1) & inns
Motorcycles (1)
Movie Theatres (2)


Organizations & associations (3) Non-profit organizations & associations, clubs

Parks (2) and wilderness preserves
Pentecostal (1)
Pets (2)
Photographers (1) incl. Commercial photograhers
Photography (1) incl. Commercial photograhers
Photography (1) incl. Commercial photograhers
Plumbing (2) incl. Heat Exchangers
Police (1) Police, RCMP
Portals (1)
Presbyterians (1)
Preschool (1) daycare & babysitting
Private Investigators (1)
Professional (6) engineering, enviromental, architects, consultants, & event planners

Real Estate (23)
 • Mortgages (1)
Refridgeration (2) incl. Heat Exchangers
Religion (29)
 • Baptist (3)
 • Catholic (3)
 • Christian (22)
 • Lutheran (1)
 • Methodist (4)
 • Pentecostal (1)
 • Presbyterian (1)
Resource Industries (2)

Schools - K12 (9)
Science & Humanities (2)
Security Products & Services (2) alarms, locksmithing, investigations
Shipping (1)
Shopping (12) souvenirs, retail services, bookstores, & mail order
Society (40) People-related resources, including dating, matchmaking, & penpal services
Sport: Car Racing (1)
Sports & Recreation (9) & leisure
 • Boating (1)
 • Cycling (1)
 • Football & Rugby (1) and rugby
 • Golf (1)
 • Martial Arts (1)
 • Tennis & Badminton (1) inc. squash
 • Water Sports (1)

Tennis (1) inc. squash
Transportation (1) Ferries, airlines, trains, taxis, travel agencies, trucking, bus, limosines
Travel (9)
Trucking (1)

Universities & Colleges (2) & Colleges
Universities & Colleges (2) & Colleges




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