Government - Reference in Lake Cumberland Region, Kentucky (KY) - Listings United States
USA > Kentucky > Lake Cumberland Region > Government > Reference
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Census Bureau - Casey County (Casey County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Casey County. - |
Census Bureau - Clinton County (Clinton County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Clinton County. - |
Census Bureau - Cumberland County (Cumberland County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Cumberland County. - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Adair County (Adair County)
Adair county was formed in 1802. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 585 to 1120 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population was ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Albany (Albany)
Albany, Kentucky Albany, the seat of Clinton county, was established in 1837 on the site of a tavern owned by Benny Dowell. (The original county seat was at Paoli, two miles south.) The name may ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Burkesville (Burkesville)
Burkesville, Kentucky Burkesville, the seat of Cumberland county, is located on the Cumberland River and at the junction of KY 61 and 90. It was established in 1798 on the land of Samuel Burkes ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Campbellsville (Campbellsville)
Campbellsville, the seat of Taylor county, is located near the center of the county at the junction of KY 55 and KY 70, just north of Green River Lake State Park. It was settled beginning around ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Casey County (Casey County)
Casey county was formed in 1807. It is located in the Pennyrile and Outer Bluegrass regions of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 710 to 1789 feet above sea level. In 2000 the ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Clinton County (Clinton County)
Clinton county was formed in 1836. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 530 to 1780 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population was ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Columbia (Columbia)
Columbia, Kentucky Columbia, the seat of Adair county, was settled about 1800. The town was laid out as the seat of the newly formed county in 1802. The name is thought to be for Christopher ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Cumberland County (Cumberland County)
Cumberland county was formed in 1799. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 510 to 1110 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Green County (Green County)
Green county was formed in 1793. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 490 to 1045 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population was ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Greensburg (Greensburg)
Greensburg, the seat of Green county, is near the center of the county on the Green River. It began as Glover's Station, established by John Glover in 1780, and was renamed Greensburg in 1794 with ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Jamestown (Jamestown)
Jamestown, Kentucky Jamestown, the seat of Russell county, is located in the center of the county and near Lake Cumberland. The town was established in 1826 on land donated by James Woodridge ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Liberty (Liberty)
Liberty, the seat of Casey county, is located near the center of the county on US 27 and KY 49 and 70. It was established in 1806 and became the seat of the new county two years later. The Liberty ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - McCreary County (McCreary County)
McCreary county was formed in 1912. It is located in the Eastern Coal Field region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 723 to 2165 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Pulaski County (Pulaski County)
Pulaski county was formed in 1799. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 723 to 1680 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population was ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Russell County (Russell County)
Russell county was formed in 1826. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 530 to 1140 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population was ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Somerset (Somerset)
Somerset, Kentucky Somerset, the seat of Pulaski county, was founded in 1801 and named by settlers from Somerset county, New Jersey. The first post office opened in 1803. The population in 1990 ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Taylor County (Taylor County)
Taylor county was formed in 1848. It is located in the Pennyrile region of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 570 to 1200 feet above sea level. In 2000 the county population was ... - |
Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer - Wayne County (Wayne County)
Wayne county was formed in 1800. It is located in the Pennyrile and Eastern Coal Field regions of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 723 to 1788 feet above sea level. In 2000 the ... - |
U.S. Census Bureau - Green County Quick Facts (Green County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Green County. - |
US Census Bureau - McCreary County Quick Facts (McCreary County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for McCreary County. - |
US Census Bureau - Pulaski County Quick Facts (Pulaski County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Pulaski County. - |
US Census Bureau - Russell County Quick Facts (Russell County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Russell County. - |
US Census Bureau - Taylor County Quick Facts (Taylor County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Taylor County. - |
US Census Bureau - Wayne County Quick Facts (Wayne County)
Frequently requested Census statistics for Wayne County. - |
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