Hadley -

Major Highways

Principal highways are State Routes 9, 47, and 116. Interstate Route 91 is easily accessible in the neighboring city of Northampton.

Hadley is located in the Pioneer Valley, known as the crossroads of New England because of its strategic position along the Connecticut River and its excellent transportation facilities.

The Massachusetts Turnpike connects the region to Boston and to Albany, New York. Interstate 91 provides direct access to Hartford, Connecticut, and to Brattleboro and points north in Vermont.


 • Official Town WWW Site 
 • State Fact Sheet 

Hadley is a small town of 4,200, located in the Pioneer Valley, in Western Massachusetts. Despite its small population, it has a reasonable commercial strip that harbors a few malls, providing a more mainstream shopping experience than it's larger neighbor, Amherst.

According to the town profile, Hadley is a growing residential community with a strong agricultural base. This scenic community is bordered on the west by the Connecticut River and on the south by the Mount Holyoke Range. One of the oldest settlements in the Commonwealth, Hadley was founded by English colonists in 1659 and grew into an active farming and trading center which today has the most acreage of farmland of any Pioneer Valley town. Hadley has two village centers; North Hadley, a picturesque New England settlement, and Hadley Center, with its notable historic homes. The Porter Phelps-Huntington House Museum, built in 1752, hosts folk music concerts and storytelling. Hadley became the birthplace of broom-making in 1797 and an important cultivator of broom corn thereafter. The Hadley Farm Museum houses a large collection of early New England farm machinery which illustrates the area's early way of life. The town center, with its old stately colonial homes clustered around the large village green is a contrast to the economically vital commercial strip along Route 9. The Joseph Skinner State Park, on the Mount Holyoke Range, boasts a spectacular view from its 930 feet summit and from Summit House, which was originally built in 1851. (Narrative supplied by community)

Get In

Amtrak's passenger rail service between Montreal and Washington, D.C. is accessible from neighboring Amherst. Freight rail service is available from the Springfield Terminal Railway. Contact number: (508) 663-1073

Hadley is a member of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA), which offers fixed route service between Northampton, Hadley, Amherst, and Williamsburg. The PVTA also offers paratransit services to the elderly and disabled through the Council on Aging. Hadley participates in the PVTA Under-60 Program, which provides work trip transportation for the disabled.

The LaFleur Airport, a General Aviation (GA) facility located in nearby Northampton, has a 3,506'x 50' asphalt runway. Instrument approaches available: Non-precision.

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