Valles Caldera Preserve - Staying Safe -

Most of VCNP's hazards are weather-related:

 • Lightning is a common hazard during the monsoon season (July-September) when you are on ridges or in open land, and can occur during other seasons as well. Be sure you know what to do when lightning threatens.
 • Winter storms can roll in quite suddenly and can produce not only several feet of snow in short order, but also precipitously dropping temperatures that can easily reach below zero (Fahrenheit). If engaging in winter sports, make sure you're well equipped.
 • VCNP and the surrounding mountains have been the site of a number of disastrous forest fires in recent years, particularly in the spring (when precipitation is minimal and winds are high) following a dry winter (of which there have been many lately). The Preserve administration is understandably cautious about closing facilities when fire hazard is significant; please honor the closures, as the Valles grasses burn like tinder and a wind-driven fire can travel a lot faster than you can run.
 • Of course, make sure to use sun screen.

 • Dangerous encounters with wildlife are rare, but an elk in a rut can do a lot of damage to you (closures during mating season will probably keep you away from this hazard, but bear it in mind), and one on the road can do a lot of damage to your car. Drive cautiously, particularly in twilight. Rattlesnakes are scarce owing to the high elevation, but can be found occasionally in the summer, even on the ridges.
 • Violent crime is a non-problem, and there are few if any reports of theft from parked automobiles in the preserve. However, some of the neighboring forest land has seen some pilferage. If you're camping in Santa Fe National Forest campgrounds, make sure to secure valuables before heading into VCNP.

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