Broome County: Complete Category Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W

Accommodations (11)
 • Campgrounds & RV sites (2)
 • Country Inns (1)
 • Hotels & Motels (7) & inns
 • Resorts (1)
Advertising & Marketing (2)
Agriculture (1)
Appliances (2)
Appraisals & Inspections - General (2)
Area Guides (1) Community & regional information sites, & regional directories & info
Arts & Crafts (1)
 • Galleries (1) & studios
Attractions (3)
Auctions (3)
Automotive (9)
 • Body Work (1)
 • Collision Repair (1)
 • Dealers (2)
 • Repair & Parts (1)

Badminton (1) inc. squash
Banks & Credit Unions (3)
Baptist (3)
Baseball (1)
Boating (1)
Bookstores (2)
Broadcasting (3)
Business (45)
Business Organizations (2) incl. Chambers of Commerce

Campgrounds (2)
Canoeing (1)
Career Colleges (1)
Carpets (1) incl. carpets
Catholic (3)
Christian (11)
Cleaning & Janitorial (1) & Dry Cleaning, Chimney Cleaning, supplies
Commercial Fishing & Marine (1) Boatbuilders, shipyards, fishing industry resources, marine equipment
Community Colleges (1)
Community Services (15)
Composers (1)
Computers (11)
 • Dealers (2)
 • Services & Repair (2)
Condos (1)
Construction (13)
 • Contractors (1)
 • Flooring & Carpets (1) incl. carpets
 • General Services (1) doors, windows, renovations, painting, excavation, concrete, roofing
 • Landscaping (1)
Consulting (1)

Dance (2)
Death & Dying (1)
Design (1) & Interior design, Feng Shui
Dining (9)
Directories (1)
DJs (1)
Dogs (4)

Education (18)
 • Career Colleges & IT (1)
 • Grade Schools K12 (10)
 • Music (1) instruction & conservatories
Education: Community Colleges (1)
Electronics (2)
Emergency Services (6) & clinics, related services
Employment (2)
 • Recruiting & Placement (1)
Engineering (1) and consulting
Entertainment & Leisure (28)

Farming (1)
Fencing sports (2)
Finance (5)
Firefighting (3) & fire halls, & related services
Fishing (4)
Fishing Lodges & Charters (1) and camps
Fitness (1)
Flooring (1) incl. carpets

Galleries (1) & studios
Games (1)
 • Card Games (1)
Gardening (1)
Genealogy (3) links & information
Golf (2)
Government (8) institutions & related services
 • Municipal (3) towns & cities
Government: Federal (1) departments, MP's, registries, boards, & commissions
Groceries (1)

Ham Radio (1)
Health (10)
 • Organizations (1)
 • Reproduction (1) & midwives
Horses (2)
Hotels (7) & inns
Housing & Apartment Rentals (1)
Hunting (4)
Hunting Lodges & Charters (1) and camps

Insurance (1)
Internet (1)
 • Web Design (5)
 • Web Services (5)
 • Weblogs (1)
IT Schools (1)

Judism (1)

Karaoke (1)
Kayaking (1)

Law (3) lawyers, law firms, law societies, & legal information
Law Enforcement (1) Police, RCMP
Law Firms (2)
Lawyers (2)

Media (9)
Methodists (3)
Miscellaneous (6)
Motels (7) & inns
Moving & Storage (1)
Museums & Historical Sites (2)
Music Instruction (1) instruction & conservatories
Music Instruments (1) & Instruction
Music (8)
 • Composers (1)

Newspapers (2)

Organizations & associations (4) Non-profit organizations & associations, clubs

Parks (1) and wilderness preserves
Pets (8)
 • Dogs (4)
 • Services & Supplies (2) Veterinarians, pet store
Planned Communities (1)
Police (1) Police, RCMP
Printing & Pre-press (3)
Professional (4) engineering, enviromental, architects, consultants, & event planners

 • Baptist (3)
 • Catholic (3)
 • Christian (11)
 • Judism (1)
 • Methodist (3)
Reproductiive Health (1) & midwives
Resorts (1)
Resource Industries (2)
Restaurants (9)
Rugs (1) incl. carpets
Running (1)
RV sites (2)

Schools - K12 (10)
Science (1)
Science & Humanities (1)
Scout Groups (1) inc. Beavers, Venturers and Cubs
Scuba (1)
Shipping (1)
Shopping (27) souvenirs, retail services, bookstores, & mail order
Skating (1)
Snowmobile (1)
Society (28) People-related resources, including dating, matchmaking, & penpal services
Softball (1)
Sports & Outdoors (1) also camping & recreational equipment
Sports & Recreation (28) & leisure
 • Baseball & Softball (1)
 • Boating (1)
 • Canoeing & Kayaking (1)
 • Cycling (1)
 • Diving & scuba (1)
 • Fencing (2)
 • Fishing & Hunting (4)
 • Fishing & Hunting Lodges & Charters (1) and camps
 • Fitness (1)
 • Golf (2)
 • Martial Arts (1)
 • Running (1)
 • Skating (1)
 • Snowmobile (1)
 • Swimming (1)
 • Tennis & Badminton (1) inc. squash
 • Volleyball (1)
 • Water Sports (4)
Stores (2) Veterinarians, pet store
Swimming (1)
Symphonies (1)

Talent Agencies (1)
Taxis (1)
Telecommunications (1) Phones, Cell Phones, PBX, Mobile
Tennis (1) inc. squash
Theatre (1) incl. Opera, dinner theatre
Transportation (8) Ferries, airlines, trains, taxis, travel agencies, trucking, bus, limosines
Travel (24)
Trucking (1)
TV (2) incl.stations

Universities & Colleges (5) & Colleges
Universities & Colleges (5) & Colleges

Veterinarians (2) Veterinarians, pet store
Volleyball (1)

Weather (6)
Web Design (5)
Weblogs (1)


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