Health in New York City, New York (NY) - Listings United States
USA > New York > New York Region > New York Area > New York City > Health
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A Very Special Place, Inc.A Very Special Place, Inc. provides a network of services to the developmentally disabled and mentally retarded so they can lead fuller lives. - |
All Women's Medical PavilionProviding Women with the finest abortion facilities, quality medical service, information and support for surgical abortion and the abortion pill. - |
Alpha Neurology, PCWelcome to Alpha Neurology ALL PHYSICIANS ARE BOARD CERTIFIED Our Neurological practice is located at: 27 New Dorp Lane Staten Island, N.Y. 10306 Dr. Allan B. Perel and his associates are ... - |
Astoria Accident and Injury Treatment - Dedicated to all aspects of Accident and Injury Treatment. Dr. Lobrutto. Astoria, NY - 718-728-0612 - |
Atkins Nutritionals, IncGet started with the four-phase approach and the new Atkins Lifestyle Food Guide PyramidTM. 4 Phases Pyramid Carb Counter Store Locator Today's Top Story Scientists Validate the Metabolic ... - |
Child Neurology and Developmental CenterWelcome to, the website for the Child Neurology and Developmental Center in New Hyde Park, New York, directed by Rami Grossmann, M.D. - |
Clove Lakes Health Care and Rehabilitation CenterCLOVE LAKES HEALTH CARE AND REHABILITATION CENTER, INC. 25 Fanning Street - Staten Island, NY 10314 Telephone: (718) 289 - 7900 Fax: (718) 761 - 8701 Clove Lakes Is. A Short Term Comprehensive ... - |
Council on Family Health - |
Crisis Pregnancy Center of New YorkCrisis Pregnancy Center of NY Non-profit Organization offers free and confidential assistance to pregnant teens, as well as baby clothes, counseling, resources, post abortion counseling, and ... - |
Cryos InternationalCryos International New York is the world's largest network of sperm banks with operations in Denmark, United States and India. - |
Dental Care KidsPediatric Dentist and Orthodontist -Dental Care Kids - Dental and Orthodontic care for infants, children, and teens in the Stamford, Greenwich, New Canaan and Darien areas of CT as well as ... - |
Directory of Doctors in NYC"Doctors in New York City: directory of physicians and psychologists in New York City." - |
Dr. Steven BreinesDr. Steve Breines provides safe, gentle and effective chiropractic treatment for those suffering from work, auto, sports and other musculoskeletal injuries. - |
Ellen Chuse Childbirth - |
Euphoropia: Dr. Charles Klein, OptometristContinental Vision/Euphoropia - Dr. Charles Klein, Optometrist - Forest Hills, NY, Welcome. - |
Excel DentistryExcel Dentistry is committed to providing the highest quality dental care to all patients. - |
Food For LifeOfficial site of the metabolic typing diet delivered fresh to your door daily. Eating right for your type is type is the best way to lose weight, achieve optimal health and fitness - |
Friends and Relatives of the Intutionalized AgedFRIA is an independent, non-profit, consumer advocacy organization working for 27 years to improve nursing homes and other long-term care for New Yorkers. Available now at FRIA, Palliative Care, ... - |
Gary S. Hitzig, M.D., F.A.C.S.Gary S. Hitzig, M.D., author of Help & Hope for Hair Loss, NY Hair Transplant surgeon, pioneer of ACell and PRP hair loss treatments. 30 years experience treating hair loss, locations in Manhattan ... - |
Greater New York Hospital AssociationGNYHA Member Login Emergency Preparedness Resource Center GNYHA Publications Press Releases Public Testimony GNYHA Members Continuing Care Leadership Coalition GNYHA Businesses GNYHA Business ... - |
Health Max Chiropractic - |
Health Vision Inc.Health Vision Inc. Connecticut and New York's leading Acupuncture and Herbology practice. Authorized distributor of biologically active food supplements - Classic Hit, Direct Hit, Triovital, ... - |
Healthwise Magazine - |
Hepatitis CentralHepatitis Central The latest research treatment news about Hepatitis C infection, diagnosis, symptoms and treatments. Go! - |
Hillside Polymedic P.C., Dentistry and Podiatrycontact us HILLSIDE POLYMEDIC P.C. HOLLIS HEALTH CARE SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 WebMD Health lth Call now and Schedule your Appointment! (718) 264-1111 Hillside Polymedic ... - |
Lanteck MedicalStrategic digital communications consulting and design: providing marketing solutions through Web and video production. - |
Laser and Corneal AssociatesBladeless Blade Free Custom Wavefront LASIK-NYC LASIK Surgeon-Mark Speaker, M.D. Interest Free Plans-212-832-2020 Manhattan TLC Laser Eye Center Medical Director - |
Laureen Langer, D.D.S. and Burton Langer, D.M.D.Dr's Laureen Langer and Burton Langer are dedicated to excellence in Periodontics, including implants, soft tissue gum grafts, bone regeneration around the teeth and jaws and teeth in an hour. The ... - |
Long Island Allergy and Asthma SocietyThe Long Island Allergy and Asthma Society site contains a listing of allergists on Long Island, a host of frequently asked allergy related questions and answers, and a list of informative links. - |
Manhattan-New York City-Maurice Edwards DMD PC-Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryMaurice Edwards DMD PC practices in New York City with full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, such as Dental Implant, Extractions, Pre-Prosthetic, pathology, Bone Augmentation, Hypertrophix ... - |
Maria Strong Personal TrainingPrsonal Training - Fitness For Women - Developing and toning muscles - Custom Meal Plans - Home Gym Design - |
Maureen RaysonEphraim Ovitsh, M.D., PC Obstetrics & Gynecology, 200 West 20th Street (at corner of 7th Avenue), New York, NY 10011 - |
MaxiMed - Compression Pump - Lymphedema Treatment TherapyCompression Garments, Sports and DVT Compression Pumps. - |
MedscapeFeatures medical journal articles, Free CME, MEDLINE, case reports, medical news, major conference coverage, and comrehensive drug information. - |
Menaka SanwalACE Certified Personal Trainer offering private, in-home or gym training for women in the Jersey City, Hoboken and New York City area - |
Miller Healthcare InstituteThe Kathryn and Gilbert Miller Health Care Institute for Performing Artists Special Features | Providers | How to Find Us | Hours of Operation Susidized Care Programs | Related - |
Miracle House80 EIGHTH AVENUE, SUITE 315 | NY, NY 10011-5126 | P: 212.989.7790 | F: 212.367.9281 | ABOUT MH FACILITIES EVENTS UPDATES NEWSLETTER VOLUNTEERING CONTACT ... - |
New York Breast Augmentation SpecialistsNew York Breast Augmentation is your home for in-depth info and private consultations with leading NYC breast surgeons. - |
New York City Washroom EvaluationPublic Washroom Evaluation for facilities in and around New York City e-Mail This page to a Friend Hey, New York and the area around - What do you think about the state of the public washrooms ... - |
New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH)Protecting Your Right to a Safe and Healthful Workplace SEARCH THIS SITE! Enclose exact phases in double quotes (".") to narrow your search results. NYCOSH Staff [http:/] ... - |
New York Laser Hair Removal SpecialistsThe New York Laser Hair Removal Specialists network includes more than 20 locations both in and outside of New York City, meaning you can find and schedule free consultations with a top laser clinic near you. Use our convenient doctor finder to get - |
New York Support NetworkNew York Support Network, Inc. (NYSN) encourages the preservation and development of Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) support groups in New York ... - |
New York University Cancer InstituteHome | In the News | You Can Help! | Job Opportunities | Contact Us | Find a Doctor About Us for Physicians for Patients for Researchers for Members Home Our History Our - |
NYU Cardiac and Vascular InstituteNYU Langone Home Contact Us Site Map Home About Us History of Firsts Our Healthcare Team Our Doctors Faculty Bios A-Z Comprehensive Programs Our Facilities Contacting Us Virtual Tour Make a Gift ... - |
Pediatric Associates of New York City, PCPediatric Associates NYC, Group Practice with Offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn, accept most major insurances, open evenings and weekends, affiliated with NYU - |
Permanent Cosmetics By Theresatestimonials | meet theresa | contact | faq | links | sitemap | home permanent cosmetics by theresa Permanent makeup can enhance your life! Wake up with makeup perfectly - |
Personal Trainers New York CityLose fat, tone or build muscle. Experienced certified NYC personal trainers customize diet and workout plans. Gym or home. Serious about changing your body? - |
Planned Parenthood of New York CityEspañol Health Glossary Store Administrative Office 26 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012-2413 PPNYC HOME Who We Are Patient Resources Español Local Education and Training For ... - |
Plumbing Foundation City of New YorkThe Plumbing Foundation City of New York, Inc. - |
Practis, Inc. - DirectoryPractis offers medical website design, web application development, health care content, SEO, search engine marketing and interactive services for the health care vertical. - |
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