Religion - Catholic in New York Region, New York (NY) - Listings United States
USA > New York > New York Region > Society > Religion > Christian > Catholic
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Choices Youth Group (Bronx)
Choices Youth Group, Bronx, NY. Visit our website to learn how young people are having fun and growing closer to Jesus. - |
Fordham University (Bronx) - |
Bayer, Adele (Brooklyn)
Eldest daughter of Andrew Parmentier, b. in Belgium, 4 July, 1814, and d. in Brooklyn, New York, 22 January, 1892 - |
Catholic Benevolent Legion (Brooklyn)
A fraternal assessment life-insurance society organized in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., 5 September, 1881 - |
Denman, William (Brooklyn)
Publisher, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 March, 1784; d. in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., 12 September, 1870 - |
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn (Brooklyn)
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn a life of prayer, community and service The form of life of the brothers is this: to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience, in ... - |
Our Lady of Angels Roman Catholic Church (Brooklyn)
Our Lady of Angels Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn, New York - |
Saint Francis Xavier (Brooklyn)
Home Directions About Our Parish Sacraments Baptism Confirmation Reconciliation (confession) Eucharist Marriage Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick Religious Education Children Adults ... - |
Saint Rita's Roman Catholic Church (Brooklyn)
Church of Saint Rita - Diocese of Brooklyn, New York - |
Saint Thomas Aquinas (Brooklyn)
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church serves the local community of Park Slope Brooklyn. - |
Charity, Sisters of, of St. Vincent de Paul (New York City)
Motherhouse at Mt. St. Vincent-on Hudson, New York; not to be confused with the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul founded earlier - |
Church of Saint Anselm (New York City)
A resource for parish & community news, schedules, community outreach services, school & religious education programs, youth activities, and catholicism on the web. - |
Church of Saint Francis Xavier (New York City)
Family Faith + Calendar of Events + Staff + Outreach Programs + Mass Sacrament Schedule Education Programs + Social Groups Activities + Latest News from the Bulletin Spiritual Groups Activities + ... - |
Council No. 04752 (New York City)
Grand Island, New York. Knights of Columbus News and Events - |
Council No. 11449 (New York City) is a world wide leader in Web Hosting, Domain Registration and Dedicated Servers. We offer U.S Tech Support 24/7 - |
Diocese of Brooklyn (New York City) - |
Huntington, Jedediah Vincent (New York City)
Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. - |
Life of the Blessed Padre Pio (New York City)
What's New. Padre Pio will be canonized on June 16, 2002. Click here to learn more about Padre Pio's canonization, our pilgrimage to Italy, and a special celebration Mass of Thanksgiving in New ... - |
Opus Dei in the United States (New York City)
An objective and balanced report on Opus Dei, the most controversal group in the Catholic Church today. - |
Saint Andrew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church (New York City)
St. Andrew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn, New York. St. Andrew?s parish is a community that is centered in Jesus, gathers in worship, witnesses the Gospel, and ministers to the ... - |
Saint Peter's Church (New York City)
An evangelical-catholic communion of diverse people and communities publicly seeking God's nourishment and creatively seeking to shape life in the city. - |
Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York (New York City)
The congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York, founded by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, is an apostolic congregation of diocesan right, recognized and ... - |
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church (New York City)
Parish Community page for St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in New York City. - |
Saint Helen Roman Catholic Church (Queens) - |
Dorothy Day: The Staten Island Years (Staten Island)
ENTER THE EXHIBIT In 1924, Dorothy Day used the proceeds from the sale of film rights to her novel, The Eleventh Virgin to purchase a bungalow overlooking the beach at Huguenot, on Staten ... - |
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