Real Estate in Capital City Region, South Carolina (SC) - Listings United States

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RE/MAX of Columbia (Lexington County)
Show Me the Homes Grand Tour Properties Community Info Relocation Info About RE/MAX Home Valuation HOME RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS HOUSE NUMBER and/or STREET NAME ZIP CODE MLS NUMBER You can enter ...

Shealy Realty (Batesburg-Leesville)
Shealy Realty - Real Estate in Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina

Blythewood Realty, Inc. (Blythewood)
Blythewood Realty, Inc. HOME | Current listings | Current listings | Land For Sale | Commercial property | Contact us | Other Links | Other properties Welcome to Blythewood Realty. We're glad you ...

David Brown Realty - United Country (Blythewood)
United Country David Brown Realty & Auction Co., offers South Carolina Midlands real estate throughout Cloumbia South Carolina, Blythewood South Carolina and Richland County in the Midland region of South Carolina. Search homes, farms, auction real

Hunt and Associates, LLC (Blythewood)
A Real Estate Sales company in Columbia SC focusing on Land Lots Acreage and Homes in the surrounding Midlands of South Carolina

LongCreek Plantation (Blythewood)

Asset Realty, Inc (Chapin)
Welcome to, the most comprehensive web site available for real estate in the Columbia, South Carolina area. If you are looking to buy or sell a home, you have come to the ...

Benny Counts - Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors (Chapin)
Benny Counts will help you buy or sell any property or home in or near the following communities: Chapin, Lake Murray, Irmo, Lexington, Columbia, and the St. Andrews areas in the Midlands of South ...

Bryant Herring - Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors (Chapin)
Homes for sale in Columbia, Irmo, Lexington, Lake Murray, Chapin, Northeast, West Columbia, Cayce, Southeast

Discount Inboard Marine (Chapin)
skiboat, parts, engine, prop, transmissions, discount inboard marine, Discount Inboard Marine, skidim, inboard,, inboard, inboard, ski-dim, WATERSKI, inboard, skiboats, water-ski

ERA Wilder Realty (Chapin)
SC real estate, Columbia SC, Chapin SC, Lake Murray SC real estate sales, Irmo SC, Lexington SC, Sumter SC, Orangeburg SC, Santee SC real estate sales and information from ERA Wilder Realty, serving the real estate and relocation needs for South

Kit and Johnny Oswald - Century 21 (Chapin)
Lake Murray Specialists; real estate services in Columbia, South Carolina.

Linda and John Steele - Asset Realty, Inc. (Chapin)

Molly Sims - RE/MAX (Chapin)
Lake Murray SC Real Estate, Chapin SC Real Estate, please call Molly Sims 803 960 2879, REMAX Chapin SC

Thomas Shumpert - RE/MAX (Chapin)
South Carolina homes for sale from experienced real estate agents at RE/MAX REAL ESTATE CONSULTANTS

Town & Country Realty Services (Chapin)
Columbia South Carolina Real Estate Listings, Columbia SC Lakefront Real Estate, Lake Murray South Carolina Real Estate, Lakefront Real Estate in Columbia South Carolina and Chapin South ...

Adrian La Fosse - Asset Realty, Inc. (Columbia)
Real Estate in Columbia South Carolina areas such as Fort Jackson, NE Columbia, Irmo, Lexington and Lake Murray. Military familes, Relocation and New Construction homes.

Ann Smoak - Russell and Jeffcoat (Columbia)
Specializing in Irmo real estate, Columbia, Chapin, Lexington, Newberry, Saluda, Batsburg, Leesville, and Lake Murray County. Ann Smoak helping to find and buy the home of your dreams.

Bagnal & Carroll, LLC (Columbia)
Search all Columbia and Lexington South Carolina Real Estate MLS listings for sale including foreclosures and bank and lender owned properties.

Bill Sinnett - Century 21 Bob Capes Realtors (Columbia)
CENTURY 21 Bob CApes Realtors - Offering premium real estate services in Columbia, SOuth Carolina.

Bob Capes - Century 21 (Columbia)
“Our customers deserve and will receive, with unequalled passion, the finest and most professional service offered by any real estate organization. Our goal is to reinvent the real estate ...

Cantey & Company, Inc (Columbia)
Cantey Company, Inc. 3300 Harrison Rd. Columbia, SC 29204 Get Map Directions phone .: 803-256-7150 Rental Property / Property Management Real Estate Consulting Billy Cantey Vice President Property ...

Capitol Center Office Suites, Inc. (Columbia)

Capitol Places (Columbia)
Capitol Places - Downtown Apartments in Columbia South Carolina

Carson & Associates Realtors (Columbia)

Columbia Housing Authority (Columbia)
Information about the Columbia Housing Authority's public housing communities, Section 8 program, and support programs (Columbia)
Rental resources in Columbia. Homes for rent, home rentals, houses for rent, apartments, condos, apartment rentals, townhouses, and other rental homes. Post your own rental ad or view listings for ...

Corrina Hooker - Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors (Columbia)
Specializing in Columbia real estate, Rosewood, Downtown, Elgin, N.E. Columbia, Forest Acres, Irmo, South East Columbia, and Columbia County. Corrina Hooker helping to find and buy the home of ...

Creighton Edmonds - Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors (Columbia)
Creighton Edmonds real estate services for Lake Murray waterfront homes, northeast Columbia luxury, golf course, Heathwood, Lake Katherine, Kings Grant, Gregg Park, Hampton Crest, Hampton Ridge, ...

David Patterson - Russell & Jeffcoat Realtors (Columbia)
Offers real estate services to buyers and sellers in the Columbia Metro area.

Dondi Phelps - Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors (Columbia)
Dondi Phelps ~ your to Real Estate Information and Service First Home, Family Home, Luxury Home, Investment Home or Retirement Home are all here! Click here and have Dondi paged Immediately! Dondi ...

Dottie and Elizabeth Webber - RE/MAX (Columbia)
Dottie & Elizabeth Webber. Real Estate in Columbia for Real People

Doug Bridges - Russell and Jeffcoat (Columbia)
Selling executive homes in the Columbia, South Carolina area, including Northeast Columbia, Blythewood, Lexington, Irmo, Chapin, and Lake Murray

Edens & Avant (Columbia)
Redefining retail with innovation, sustainability and connection. EDENS develops, owns and operates neighborhood shopping centers throughout the East Coast.

Emily and Buddy Lewis - Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors (Columbia)
Select Success with Emily Lewis Top Columbia SC Realtor. Emily is your Real Estate Sales Agent who professionally performs her real estate tasks.

Estates South, Inc (Columbia)

Gary Anderson - Russell and Jeffcoat (Columbia)
Specializing in Columbia real estate, Irmo, Lexington, Forest Acres, Columbia Northeast, Lake Murray, Blythewood, Camden, and Columbia Metro Area County. Gary Anderson helping to find and buy the ...

Ginny Sadreameli - RE/MAX (Columbia)
Ginny Sadreameli is a multi-million dollar RE/MAX Realtor specializing in relocations into the Irmo and Lexington areas of Columbia, South Carolina. Check this site for FREE Relocation packet and ...

Gray Farnsworth - Russell and Jeffcoat (Columbia)
Specializing in Columbia real estate, Blythewood, Irmo, Lexington, Kershaw County, Lake Murray, Forest Acres Fairfield County and Richland County. Gray Farnsworth, and Richland County. Gray ...

Greater Columbia Association of REALTORS (Columbia)

Home Buyer Representation Realty, Inc. (Columbia)
The South Carolina Home Buyer's Best Friend: Home Buyer Representation Realty, Inc., George Krausz, Broker in Charge, takes care of Columbia home buyers as an exclusive home buyers agent. He is a ...

Homes and Land Magazine (Columbia)
Specializing in homes for sale and real estate for Columbia, South Carolina. Columbia Real estate and homes for sale.

Horton Company, Inc. (Columbia)

Jeannie Butler - RE/MAX (Columbia)
Professional real estate agent with access to MLS listings and homes for sale. Buy homes and condos in Columbia

Jeff Slifer - Asset Realty, Inc (Columbia)
South Carolina homes for sale from experienced real estate agents at Jeffrey Slifer, global meta description

Jennifer Waszaza - Russell & Jeffcoat (Columbia)
Serving real estate and relocation assistance for the Columbia, SC area. Jennifer Waszazak, Russell and Jeffcoat Realtors, Sales, homes, houses in Irmo, Lake Murray, Chapin and Richland Lexington ...

Jerry Fowler - The Results Team (Columbia)
The 'What's 'Why's and 'How's of Real Estate, specialized for South Carolina. When Real Estate is in the news, local TV stations call for an expert opinion. They call Jerry Fowler. He knows greater Columbia real estate.

Jill Moylan - Home Advantage Realty (Columbia)
Get the best homes, expert advice, residential listings, local info, free reports, and more from Jill Moylan REATOR&ref; a proven Columbia South Carolina real estate expert. Top local web site.

John Boozer - Century 21 (Columbia)

John McAllister Realty Consulting (Columbia)
Home Services Philosophy Case Studies Videos News Updates About Us Contact Contact John McAllister Please use the form below to contact John McAllister. Name: * Email: * Phone #: Your Message: ...

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