Entertainment in Vermont - Listings United States
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Made in VermontFree Hit Counter MadeinVermont.org. is actively seeking Vermont artists, artisans and craftspeople who want to sell their work online. Membership is $40 a year and we take a 20% commission on all ...
http://www.vtartnet.com/ - |
Notebook: Visual Arts in MassachusettsNotebook, 1993- DIRECTORIES - A Representative Listing with Periodic Corrections and Additions. Updated for September 2005 Visual Arts in Vermont . . . . . . CT . . . MA . . . ME . . . NH . . . ...
http://www.noteaccess.com/DIRECTORIES/VT.htm - |
The Abair FamilyMicrosoft FrontPage 3.0
http://www.abair.com/ - |
Vermont Film Commissionhome | about us | contact us | mailing list PRODUCTION GUIDE: SITE SEARCH: The Vermont Film Commission was created to promote Vermont as a location for all types of film production. With our ...
http://www.vermontfilm.com/ - |
Vermont International Film FoundationThe World’s Oldest Human Rights and Environmental Film Festival (Since 1985)
http://www.vtiff.org/ - |
Vermont JokesVermont jokes, clean, updated often, and filtered for the best quality.
http://www.ahajokes.com/vermont_jokes.html - |
Inside Vermont
A Unique Blend of Art, Nature, and Culture (Bennington)
The Bennington Center for the Arts is a non-profit full-spectrum art center.
http://www.thebennington.org/ - |
Adamant Music School (Calais)
home | events | summer session | quarryworks | news | history membership | map directions | site map | email signup | privacy
http://www.adamant.org/ - |
After Dark Music Series (Middlebury)
2010 - 2011 Season 16th Season Welcome to the After Dark Music Series "You've been great, as usual. Winter holds no fear, as long as I get to come to Middlebury."-Chris Smither Started in 1995, to ...
http://www.afterdarkmusicseries.com/ - |
Appe, Cheryl (Charlotte)
Cheryl Appe is an oil painter working in the landscape tradition. Her paintings are impressionistic in the tradition of Monet with the sensibilities of Daubigny, Corot and other artists who worked ...
http://www.cherylappe.com/ - |
Arentzen Ohlander Glass (Burlington)
AO Glass creates hand blown glass art with a Folksy Scandinavian Style.
http://www.aoglass.com/ - |
Art Bark Gallery (Bradford)
Art Bark Gallery of Fine Art presents online artist catalogs of original art in painting, drawing, photography and photomontage.
http://artbarkgallery.com/ - |
Art on Main (Bristol)
Art on Main, Bristol Vermont is a non-profit, community-supported cooperative art and craft gallery exhibiting juried fine art and crafts in a wide variety of media: pottery jewelry paintings wood ...
http://www.artonmain.net/ - |
Artisans' Gallery (Waitsfield)
Artisans' Gallery is a Vermont Cooperative featuring the work of 115 artists from throughout the state, located in the Mad River Valley near the Waitsfield covered bridge.
http://www.vtartisansgallery.com/ - |
Art's Alive (Burlington)
Art‘s Alive Vermont is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Increasing Awareness and Appreciation of Vermont's Visual Artists. Main menu Skip to primary content Skip to secondary ...
http://www.artsalivevt.org/ - |
Authentic Outdoor Images (Richmond)
Stock, assignment, studio photographs, & field work for editorial, commercial & advertising. Authentic photographs emphasizing outside environments. Outdoor, travel, adventure, lifestyle & nature ...
http://www.authenticoutdoors.com/ - |
Balentine Photography (Saint Albans)
With a small home studio, and an enjoyment for travel, Ed and Sharon Balentine are pleased to provide photography services throughout New England, and beyond. We are available to photograph your special events, weddings, portraits, graduates, babies
http://www.balentinephotography.com/ - |
Barre Opera House (Barre)
Home Membership History Links Newsletter Sponsors Contact
http://www.barreoperahouse.org/ - |
Bennington Quiltfest (Bennington)
Bennington Quiltfest and Quiet Valley Quilters Guild, Bennington Vermont.
http://www.benningtonquiltfest.com/ - |
Bentley, Wilson (1865-1931) (Jericho)
Wilson Bentley, (1865-1931)The Snowflake Man , Photographer of Snowflakes from Jericho, Vermont. Bentley photographed 5,381 snowflake images in his life time.
http://snowflakebentley.com/ - |
BigPicture Theater & Cafe (Waitsfield)
Movies, Music, and Event Venue, Cafe and Bakery, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, Weddings, Mad River Valley, Vermont
http://www.bigpicturetheater.info/ - |
BigTown Gallery (Rochester)
BigTown Gallery offers fine arts exhibitions, one of a kind knitwear ensembles from the studio gallery, and an outdoors amphitheater.
http://bigtowngallery.com/ - |
Blackthorne Forge (Marshfield)
http://www.blackthorneforge.com/ - |
Blakely , Corliss (Saint Albans)
http://www.artistinvermont.com/ - |
Blue Heron Gallery (Hinesburg)
Blue Heron Art & Framing sells the finest art in Vermont
http://www.blueheronartgallery.com/ - |
Borealis String Quartet (Barre)
Borealis String Quartet specializes in Vermont weddings, though the quartet frequently provides music for receptions, dinner parties, church services and other social events throughout Central ...
http://borealisquartet.com/ - |
Bradford Library (Bradford)
Our Website Has Moved! The Bradford Public Library website has moved! If you're not redirected to the new site, please visit us at our new location: http://bradfordvtlibrary.org
http://www.bradford.lib.vt.us/ - |
Brattleboro Clayworks (Brattleboro)
Events About Us Artists Rob Cartelli Claudia Teachman Christie Herbert Annie Lauterbach Kate Wylie Billie Stark Alan Steinberg Jennifer Gardner Bronna Zlochiver Marilyn Buhlmann Rochelle Prunty ...
http://brattleboroclayworks.com/ - |
British Invasion (Stowe)
BRITISH INVASION - The largest British Motorcar Show on the East Coast, in Stowe, Vermont. A four day celebration and salutation to the great British Motorcar and all manners of other things British.
http://www.britishinvasion.com/ - |
Brooks Memorial Library (Brattleboro)
Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro, Vermont: providing resources, services, current technologies, and assistance in finding and using those resources.
http://brookslibraryvt.org/ - |
Bruce Murray: Potter (Bradford)
South Road Pottery is in an eighteenth century timber-frame barn renovated as a studio and showroom and surrounded by the open fields of an old and unusually beautiful dairy farm. Any trip to the ...
http://www.brucemurraypotter.com/ - |
Carol Keise Art Tile Studio (Putney)
Carol Keiser Art Tile Studio beautiful hand-painted tiles & original paintings.
http://www.carolkeiser.com/ - |
Carrie Ann Photography (Bennington)
Carrie is a lifestyle photographer in Southern Vermont capturing all aspects of life
http://www.carrieannphotography.com/ - |
Catamount Arts (Saint Johnsbury)
http://www.catamountarts.org/ - |
Caulfield Art Gallery (Woodstock)
The paintings and lithographs from the Woodstock Vermont art gallery of Robert O. Caulfield, one of the leading street painters.
http://www.caulfieldartgallery.com/ - |
Caving Studio & Sculpture Center (Rutland)
Welcome Sculptors and Friends “The Studio is an oasis for me. I forgot how nice it is to get affirmation from fellow artists. I feel like the Studio is mine, as well as all the other people who ...
http://www.carvingstudio.org/ - |
Center for Digital Art (CDA) (Brattleboro)
http://centerfordigitalart.com/ - |
Chaffee Center for the Visual Arts (Rutland)
Art Gallery housed in a beautiful 1896 Queen Anne Victorian Mansion representing some of Vermont's best artists. Also offering many Art Classes for all ages and abilties.
http://www.chaffeeartcenter.org/ - |
Champlain Valley Exposition (Essex Junction)
The Vermont Balloon and Music Festival is a weekend-long family entertainment event June 4 - 6, 2004.
http://www.cvfair.com/ - |
Champlain Valley Exposition (Essex)
Vermont's greatest event - 10 days of animals, shopping, food, concerts and rides. We pack an entire summer of fun into the biggest fair in the state.
http://cvexpo.org/ - |
Charlie Brown Productions (Waitsfield)
Charlie Brown Productions provides proffesional photography and video.
http://www.charliebrownspage.com/ - |
Colgate Park (Bennington)
Colgate Park is the primarily venue for special events, retail stores and Vermont Destination Weddings.
http://www.colgatepark.com/ - |
Compass Rose Music (Bennington)
Home Schedule Catalog Store Audio Press Kit Songwriting Tutorial Send Us Mail Steve Gillette Cindy Mangsen. Steve and Cindy and their partnership Compass Rose Music represent the very best in ...
http://compassrosemusic.com/ - |
Connecticut Valley Fair, Inc. (Bradford)
PLEASE DONATE - Your donation will help the Connecticut Valley Fair re-locate, and make needed improvements to our new fairgrounds on the lower plain in Bradford Vermont.
http://www.connecticutvalleyfair.com/ - |
Craftsbury Chamber Players (Craftsbury)
Craftsbury Chamber Players Summer Music Festival 2010 begins July 1th & 16th in Burlington & Hardwick! Tickets available now, or then...
http://www.craftsburychamberplayers.org/ - |
Craftsbury Public Library (Craftsbury)
Home Catalog Search Ask a Librarian Services Programs Youth Computing Tech Services Reference Inter Library What's Happening . . . Current Events Story Hour After School Study Program Annual ...
http://www.craftsburypubliclibrary.org/ - |
Craig Line Photographics (Calais)
Photography for all your editorial, fine art and commercial needs - Craig Line Photographics
http://www.craiglinephotos.com/ - |
Davis Studio (Burlington)
Davis Studio is Art, Design, Theater, Fashion and Fun: Art classes, camps, and workshops for children, tweens, teens, and adults of all levels of experience in the Burlington Vermont area.
http://www.davisstudiovt.com/ - |
Deborah Rawson Memorial Library (Jericho)
Library Hours Mon: Closed Tues: 12pm-8pm Wed: 10am-6pm Thurs: 12pm-8pm Fri: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-2pm Sun: closed for summer Our Mission The Deborah Rawson Memorial Library encourages a love of ...
http://www.drml.org/ - |
Dianne Shullenberger (Jericho)
Fabric Collage and Colored Pencil * New Artwork Home \ Bio \ Artwork \ Gallery \ Contact \ Purchase Copyright © 2002 All rights reserved Dianne Shullenberger vtdianne@hotmail.com
http://www.dianneshullenberger.com/ - |
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