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Bible Study Chat Notes (Blacksburg)
framespacing="0" border="false" frameborder="0" rows="164, *" This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. This page ...
Christiansburg Mennonite Fellowship (Christiansburg)
285 True True 11 7239000 43891200 290 259 261 257 280 262 283 1 03J:#\.INQ$J\F94VK;73D@ 5 False 295 10 26 2 1 7772400 10058400 7 True EPSON Stylus C80 Series winspool LPT1: ...
Church of the Holy Spirit - The River (Blacksburg)
The River Church is a Christ-centered, historical yet contemporary, Bible-based and blue-jean friendly church in Blacksburg, VA. Join us Sundays at 10am!
Good Shepherd Baptist Church (Christiansburg)
Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Christiansburg, VA.
Harvest Baptist Church (Blacksburg)
Harvest - A ministry committed to exalting Jesus Christ, to proclaiming God's Word and to serving our community.
Northstar Church (Blacksburg)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Blacksburg)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation 1301 Gladewood Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: (540) 552–9716 URL: Sunday services: 10 a.m. Enter, Rejoice, and Come In! About the UUC ...
This page has moved to a .
Christiansburg Baptist Church (Christiansburg)
First Baptist Church (Radford)
OUR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Morning Worship is broadcast live on WPIN radio, AM 810 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 215 Third Ave Radford, VA 24141 maps and directions E-mail ...
To be published by Viking Compass March 2002 What people are saying about Healing Zen click here To Order Healing Zen Here is an elegant and practical book on Zen and the art of caring for oneself ...
We are called to live the life of Christ We are called to be a community of believers We are called to Worship, to Justice, to Fellowship, and to Christian Formation. We are called to go forth&
We seek to be a fellowship of ministers, growing in the Lord Jesus Christ, sharing God’s love and the joy of knowing Him with the world.
Blacksburg United Methodist Church (Blacksburg)
The Blacksburg United Methodist Church offers traditional and intersections Sunday services at 8:45 and 11 a.m. All are welcome.
Christ Episcopal Church (Blacksburg)
Christ Episcopal Church, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Dwelling Place Christian Fellowship (Christiansburg)
First Church of God (Christiansburg)
First Church of God, Christiansburg, Virginia
Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren (Blacksburg)
Pastor Marilyn Lerch The Tragedy at Virginia Tech: One Local Congregation’s Response For those of us here in Blacksburg, the events of April 16 and the days that have followed will live on ...
New River Valley Community Church (Christiansburg)
Announcements: The heart of Jesus' ministry was people. Not programs or politics, but people. He was drawn to individuals who had honest questions, problems, and needs. If you are looking for a ...
Tried-Stone Christian Center (Blacksburg)
Wesley Foundation at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg)
Welcome to. Home Calendar Gallery Forum Users Register Login You are not logged in. Username: Password: | Register | Reset password? Welcome to Wesley! Welcome to the Wesley Website! WESLEY ...
BJCC 201 E. Roanoke St. (Corner of Roanoke & Church Streets) Blacksburg, VA (540) 951-2628 Welcome To The Blacksburg Jewish Community Center The BJCC is a lay-led and egalitarian unaffiliated ...
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church: A Reconciling in Christ Congregation Welcome! We are a congregation compelled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share our fellowship with all people through worship, learning, witness and service that the
Our Saviour Lutheran Church (Christiansburg)
Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Fieldstone United Methodist Church, Christiansburg Virginia. A place for you.
Sidney United Methodist Church (Christiansburg)
Wesley Foundation at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg)
Welcome to. Home Calendar Gallery Forum Users Register Login You are not logged in. Username: Password: | Register | Reset password? Welcome to Wesley! Welcome to the Wesley Website! New and Old ...
Worship with Us Pastor Donald Makin and Associate Pastor Cheryl Peeples invite you to worship with us for the following services: Sunday School: 9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 AM Midweek ...
Northside Presbyterian Church (Blacksburg)
Northside Presbyterian Church Welcome to Northside Presbyterian Church, which is a part of the Presbyterian Church, USA and is located in Peaks Presbytery. Northside also supports the Presbyterian ...
Northside Presbyterian Church (Blacksburg)
Redeemer Church (Blacksburg)
Welcome to the website of Redeemer Church (Associate Reformed Presbyterian) in Blacksburg, VA
framespacing="0" border="false" frameborder="0" rows="164, *" This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. This page ...
Christiansburg Mennonite Fellowship (Christiansburg)
285 True True 11 7239000 43891200 290 259 261 257 280 262 283 1 03J:#\.INQ$J\F94VK;73D@ 5 False 295 10 26 2 1 7772400 10058400 7 True EPSON Stylus C80 Series winspool LPT1: ...
Church of the Holy Spirit - The River (Blacksburg)
The River Church is a Christ-centered, historical yet contemporary, Bible-based and blue-jean friendly church in Blacksburg, VA. Join us Sundays at 10am!
Good Shepherd Baptist Church (Christiansburg)
Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Christiansburg, VA.
Harvest Baptist Church (Blacksburg)
Harvest - A ministry committed to exalting Jesus Christ, to proclaiming God's Word and to serving our community.
Northstar Church (Blacksburg)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Blacksburg)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation 1301 Gladewood Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: (540) 552–9716 URL: Sunday services: 10 a.m. Enter, Rejoice, and Come In! About the UUC ...
Religion - Anglican
Saint Thomas Episcopal Church (Christiansburg)This page has moved to a .
Religion - Baptist
Blacksburg Baptist Church - Blacksburg, VA (Blacksburg)
Christiansburg Baptist Church (Christiansburg)
First Baptist Church (Radford)
OUR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Morning Worship is broadcast live on WPIN radio, AM 810 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 215 Third Ave Radford, VA 24141 maps and directions E-mail ...
Religion - Buddhism
New River Zen Community (Blacksburg)To be published by Viking Compass March 2002 What people are saying about Healing Zen click here To Order Healing Zen Here is an elegant and practical book on Zen and the art of caring for oneself ...
Religion - Catholic
St. Mary's Catholic Church (Blacksburg)We are called to live the life of Christ We are called to be a community of believers We are called to Worship, to Justice, to Fellowship, and to Christian Formation. We are called to go forth&
Religion - Christian
Blacksburg Christian Fellowship (Blacksburg)We seek to be a fellowship of ministers, growing in the Lord Jesus Christ, sharing God’s love and the joy of knowing Him with the world.
Blacksburg United Methodist Church (Blacksburg)
The Blacksburg United Methodist Church offers traditional and intersections Sunday services at 8:45 and 11 a.m. All are welcome.
Christ Episcopal Church (Blacksburg)
Christ Episcopal Church, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Dwelling Place Christian Fellowship (Christiansburg)
First Church of God (Christiansburg)
First Church of God, Christiansburg, Virginia
Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren (Blacksburg)
Pastor Marilyn Lerch The Tragedy at Virginia Tech: One Local Congregation’s Response For those of us here in Blacksburg, the events of April 16 and the days that have followed will live on ...
New River Valley Community Church (Christiansburg)
Announcements: The heart of Jesus' ministry was people. Not programs or politics, but people. He was drawn to individuals who had honest questions, problems, and needs. If you are looking for a ...
Tried-Stone Christian Center (Blacksburg)
Wesley Foundation at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg)
Welcome to. Home Calendar Gallery Forum Users Register Login You are not logged in. Username: Password: | Register | Reset password? Welcome to Wesley! Welcome to the Wesley Website! WESLEY ...
Religion - Islam & Muslim
Islamic Center of Blacksburg (Blacksburg)
Religion - Judism
Blacksburg Jewish Community Center (Blacksburg)BJCC 201 E. Roanoke St. (Corner of Roanoke & Church Streets) Blacksburg, VA (540) 951-2628 Welcome To The Blacksburg Jewish Community Center The BJCC is a lay-led and egalitarian unaffiliated ...
Religion - Lutheran
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church (Blacksburg)Luther Memorial Lutheran Church: A Reconciling in Christ Congregation Welcome! We are a congregation compelled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share our fellowship with all people through worship, learning, witness and service that the
Our Saviour Lutheran Church (Christiansburg)
Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Religion - Methodist
Fieldstone United Methodist Church (Blacksburg)Fieldstone United Methodist Church, Christiansburg Virginia. A place for you.
Sidney United Methodist Church (Christiansburg)
Wesley Foundation at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg)
Welcome to. Home Calendar Gallery Forum Users Register Login You are not logged in. Username: Password: | Register | Reset password? Welcome to Wesley! Welcome to the Wesley Website! New and Old ...
Religion - Presbyterian
Christiansburg Presbyterian Church (Christiansburg)Worship with Us Pastor Donald Makin and Associate Pastor Cheryl Peeples invite you to worship with us for the following services: Sunday School: 9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 AM Midweek ...
Northside Presbyterian Church (Blacksburg)
Northside Presbyterian Church Welcome to Northside Presbyterian Church, which is a part of the Presbyterian Church, USA and is located in Peaks Presbytery. Northside also supports the Presbyterian ...
Northside Presbyterian Church (Blacksburg)
Redeemer Church (Blacksburg)
Welcome to the website of Redeemer Church (Associate Reformed Presbyterian) in Blacksburg, VA
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USA > Virginia > Southwestern Region > Montgomery County > Society > Religion