Yoga in Colorado - Listings United States
USA > Colorado > Health > Alternative > Yoga
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Inside Colorado
Any Body's YogaThank you for visiting. The studio teaches traditional Hatha Yoga. The immediate benefits of a yoga practice are an increase in balance, strength, and flexibility. Bodies tend to stiffen and ... - |
Bikram Yoga Denver (Denver) - |
Bikram's Yoga College of India (Boulder)
Bikram's Yoga College of India in Boulder, Colorado. - |
Bikram's Yoga Fort Collins (Fort Collins)
A unique yoga series designed by Bikram and proven for over 30 years to do more for your health, body, and general well-being than you ever imagined possible.. - |
Blue Heron Yoga (Grand Junction)
'I feel that the role of the Yoga teacher is to guide students to develop and maintain a state of centered, calm focus in an ever-changing world. I try to help my students learn to relax and ... - |
Blue Sky Yoga (Lakewood)
blue sky yoga, vinyasa, power yoga, john friend, power yoga exercises, vinyasa yoga, learn meditation, strength, athletic training, stretching flexibility, flexibility exercises, flexibility - |
Blue Spruce Yoga (Lakewood)
Yoga classes and workshops in the tradition of B.K.S. Iyengar, with Leslie Bradley in Lakewood, Colorado. - |
Body Mind Awareness Yoga Center (Evergreen)
A unique form of Hatha yoga that focuses on breath, awareness, and body alignment. Body Mind Yoga Cards for home practice. - |
Breath of Light Yoga (Colorado Springs)
Class Schedule: Beginning and Continuing Yoga Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:30 PM YMCA; Garden Ranch location 2380 Montebello Drive West Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (719) 593-9622 Members and Non-members ... - |
Breathe Yoga (Boulder)
BREATHE, A Space for Yoga and Meditation Home Class Descriptions Special Classes Teacher Bios Contact Us In North Boulder, Colorado - |
Colorado School of Yoga (Monument)
The Colorado School of Iyengar Yoga offers over 45 yoga classes per week teaching hatha yoga in the tradition of B.K.S. Iyengar. - |
Corepower Yoga (Denver)
CorePower Yoga beginner to advanced hot yoga and vinyasa power yoga classes. We have 31 yoga studios in Colorado, California, Illinois, Minnesota & Oregon. - |
Eldorado Mountain Yoga Ashram (Eldorado Springs)
Minutes away from Boulder, nestled in the quiet beauty of Eldorado Canyon, the Shambhava School of Yoga offers inspired classes and programs in hatha yoga, meditation, kirtan (sacred chanting), yoga philosophy, ayurveda, vedic astrology, and more. - |
Gems YogaWelcome to GEMS YOGA! Your Company Slogan Or Important Information Welcome to GEMS YOGA! GEMS Yoga classes are non-competitive and suitable for all fitness levels. Join us for Gentle Energizing ... - |
Golden Yoga Space (Golden)
Golden Yoga Rolf Integration Yoga for Every One Better posture in 10 sessions! The philosophy of Golden Yoga and Rolf Integration is holism. We work not just with the parts that show pain or ... - |
Harmony Hill Yoga (Indian Hills)
Welcome to Harmony Hill Yoga, Melody Madonna's Yoga Pages at - Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga Colorado, Yoga Denver, Yoga Evergreen, Yoga Jefferson County, Yoga Therapy, ... - |
Hatha Yoga with JanJan Bernstein of Hatha Yoga with Jan Jan creates personalized yoga classes that result from a collaborative assessment of each student's unique needs, goals, and visions. Instruction can be ... - |
Iyengar Yoga Center of Boulder (Boulder)
Hatha yoga classes and workshops, yoga props and clothing, and anatomy seminars - |
Iyengar Yoga Center of Denver (Denver)
Hatha yoga classes and workshops, a yoga store, and bodywork - |
Kriya Yoga CenterThe Kriya Yoga Center of Denver was created to provide a place in the community for people to learn ways to improve their lives through the practice of Yoga. - |
Marcee L Gutman's Fountain of Health Yoga StudioAnusara Yoga in Pueblo CO; a home for your body, heart and spirit. - |
Old Town Yoga (Fort Collins)
Welcome to Old Town Yoga in Fort Collins, Colorado. (970) 222-2777 "People have all sorts of misconceptions about yoga. One must not think that the exercises are going to give us a higher ... - |
Om Zone Yoga (Avon)
Om Zone Yoga studio offers classes weekly on Anusara Yoga and Tai Chi, as well as workshops in Edwards, CO for yoga student and teacher training. - |
Peaceful Hills Yoga (Denver)
Peaceful Hills Yoga offers Iyengar Yoga classes for beginning and intermediate students from Morrison, Conifer, Evergreen, Lakewood and Golden Colorado. Prenatal and postnatal classes as well as priv - |
Richard Freeman's The Yoga Workshop (Boulder)
Home richard's teaching about us library schedule store contact us blog search Richard's Teaching intensives workshops/travel yoga workshop classes studio talks About Us yoga workshop teachers ask ... - |
Samadhi Center for YogaThe Samadhi Yoga & Meditation studio in Denver is dedicated to all those who walk along the path of truth, wherever it may lead. - |
Shoshoni Yoga Retreat (Rollinsville)
Yoga school and retreat center in the Rocky Mountains above Boulder, Colorado offering meditation and yoga teacher training, Ayurveda, and online courses. - |
Whole Yoga School (Denver)
A Denver yoga school providing yoga classes and meditation - |
Yoga Colorado - Sahaja YogaSahaja Yoga is a unique method of free meditation introduced in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi by which Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) is achieved effortlessly. It opens the door to a ... - |
Yoga For Health (Denver)
Yoga classes, workshops, and private lessons in the Iyengar tradition, in Denver, Colorado, taught by Claudia Kuhns, certified teacher. - |
Yoga for the Young at Heart (Pagosa Springs)
Yoga for the Young at Heart is an award-winning series of video yoga classes created especially for baby boomers, seniors and beginners of all ages regardless of physical condition. - |
Yoga Group (Denver)
Yoga classes in many cities for people living with HIV/AIDS, list of recommended poses, articles on yoga for HIV/AIDS, and other information about yoga. - |
Yoga Teachers of Colorado (Denver)
Directory of Colorado yoga teachers, news and events, articles about yoga, membership information, and more. - |
Yoga West (Grand Junction)
Home About Teachers Abbie Moore Aimee Bourget Dea Jacobson Joseph Rolley Kathy Ziola Libby Collins Dave Buchanan Jessica Park Suzanne Bjorge Zachariah Walker Classes Workshops/Events Vibrant ... - |
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