Los Alamos, New Mexico (NM) Business, Travel, and Local Directory  - 55 Links

USA > New Mexico > North Central Region > Los Alamos County > Los Alamos

Los Alamos
Bandelier National Monument

Quick Info

Latitude: 35.86781 to 35.89378
Longitude: -106.2682 to -106.2839

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Area code(s): 505
Zip Code(s): 87544, 87545


Los Alamos

Los Alamos is a small town in northern New Mexico, about an hour northwest of Santa Fe. Its claim to fame is the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), where Oppenheimer and other physicists created the world's first atomic bomb during World War II. Many of Los Alamos's 11,000 residents work at the laboratory. White Rock, an outlying town of about 7,000, is formally a part of Los Alamos, but is separated from the main town by LANL, which is closed to the public apart from the Bradbury Science   More...

Bandelier National Monument

Bandelier National Monument is a United States National Monument in the state of New Mexico near Los Alamos. It was once inhabited by the ancient Puebloans (incorrectly known as the Anasazi), the ancestors of some of the modern-day Native American pueblos of northern New Mexico. For some unknown reason probably related to drought and decline in agriculture, the Puebloans abandoned this site, but the area is still honored by the present-day Pueblo people. They left behind a land of enigmatic ruins   More...

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