Mental Health and Counselling in New York City, New York (NY) - Listings United States

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kathryn faughey A Tribute to Kathryn February 11th, 2009 Thank you all very much, Walter Walter & Kathy Kathryn Kathryn and Sigmund Kathy and Walter Kathryn and her Martin Tags: Kathryn ...

Advanced Behavioral Health - Dr. Feinstein and Dr. Shinar
NYC Therapists that treat social anxiety, social phobia, fear of public speaking, OCD, difficulty making friends via short-term cognitive behavior therapy, CBT.

Alcoholism Counseling Service
New York psychotherapy referral, alcoholism counseling and psychotherapy; harm reduction; New York City referrals; info. on relationships, how therapy works.

Allison Conner Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist in New York, specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Schema Therapy, for individuals and couples; treatment for depression, anxiety, panic, OCD, stress management, ...

American Marriage Center
Over 25 years experience, Sensitive, Professional Counseling for couples and individuals in Manhattan and Greater N.Y., area American Marriage Center

Ask the OCD Expert Hotline
Get personal advice on OCD, free and confidential, in this 24 hour

Behavioral and Neuropsychological Consultants
BNC in New York provides testing for memory loss, learning disability, ADHD, stroke, dementia, Alzheimers, traumatic brain injury (TBI), lead poisoning, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons disease and other brain-related disorders. Cognitive behavioral

Behavioral Associates
Behavioral Associates, located in the Carnegie Hill section of Manhattan's Upper East Side, is a professional organization staffed by psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers ...

Blanton-Peale Institute
The Blanton-Peale Institute and Counseling Center is a mental health service organization and an accredited post-graduate educational institute founded in 1937 by the internationally famous ...

Catherine Boyer MA LCSW Psychotherapy
For individuals needing help with depression, anxiety, ADD and ADHD, self esteem, relationship and work problems, this site offers information about counseling, how it can help, what to expect, ...

Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
Dr. Steven Phillipson's Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Website features information and support for those who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Center for Educational and Psychological Services
The Dean Hope Center for Educational and Psychological Services (DHCEPS) is an integral part of the teaching and training programs in Clinical, Counseling, School Psychology, Learning Disability ...

Center for Healthy Sexuality
Are you in the trap of sexual addiction? Get out easily. Dr.Dorothy has 16 years experience in treatment for sex addicts. Consult best sex therapist in NYC to overcome porn & sex addiction.

Center for Loss and Renewal
Center for Loss and Renewal is based in New York City providing psychotherapy for people dealing with loss, grief and bereavement. Center provides support groups and counseling and offers ...

Center for the Advancement of Group Studies
Directory Home Who We Are CAGS Faculty Local Program Distance Learning Book Store Special Events Ask Dr. Lucy Holmes, CAGS General Director Contact Dr. Louis Ormont at "Those ...

philosophical inquiry: client-centered philosophy counseling by NY philosopher. Client-centered philosophical inquiry & philosophical discussion from philosophy counselor based in Manhattan, New York.

Coalition of Voluntary Mental Health Agencies
Home About Us Site Index Contact Us Donate Winning Raffle #8764368 Call 212-742-1600 x 105 to claim prize Medicaid Billing Series Essential Training for Medicaid Billing. Training series ...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Institute
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Institute, Douglas Y. Seiden, Ph.D., Cognitive therapy and CBT in New York (Manhattan) and New Jersey

Cognitive Behavioral Associates
Enter your responses in the three columns below. None of your responses will be transmitted. Use landscape mode to print your work from your browser. Automatic Thoughts - (In this column write the ...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy NY
New York psychologists, providing cognitive therapy for depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), self esteem, and relationship counseling.

Cognitive Health Group
Cognitive-behavior therapy is short-term, practical psychotherapy for anxiety, panic, phobia, depression, anger, unwanted habits. The Cognitive Health Group provides high quality ...

Cognitive Rehabilitation Services
Home Biographic Materials Clinical Services Tools and Resources EDS: Elemental Driving Simulator Links Biographic Materials Bibliography CV Biosketch (About Dr. Gianutsos) Clinical Services ...

Collaborative Counseling
Collaborative Marriage and Family Therapy. We work collaboratively to create change. Gain renewed satisfaction in your daily life and relationships.

Debra Burrell, CSW
Debra Burrell is a licensed psychotherapist and founder of the Mars-Venus Counseling Center in New York

Dr. Edward M. Petrosky, Licensed Psychologist
MAY 14, 2009 PARENT WORKSHOP - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Comprehensive Evaluations Neurocognitive s Dyslexia s Psychoeducational s Personality Dr. Petrosky is a licensed psychologist who ...

Dr. Joseph Hirsch
Dr. Joseph Hirsch, a clinical neuropsychologist & psychotherapist in New York treating anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress, PTSD, diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, head trauma, epilepsy, ...

Dr. Lisa E. Eskalyo - Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Lisa E. Eskalyo is a NYS licensed psychologist with a private practice in New York City (Manhattan). She sees adults of all ages in her New York City practice, including working professionals, ...

Dr. Marge Blain
Answers to self-esteem, parenting, marriage, relationship and personal growth questions. Articles on managing stress, dealing with death and grief, parenting, self-assertion, and ...

Dr. Marvin Lifschitz
Dr. Marvin Lifschitz, Psychologist in New York City and Westchester, NY.

Dr. Ron Kraus, Child & Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Ron Kraus is available online, over the phone and in the Manhattan office. Founder;; Editor, (1999), Author, Online Counseling- A Handbook for Mental Health ...

East End Disability Associates
East End Disability Associates (EEDA) provides services for individuals with developmental disabilities such as after school, day & residential programs, case management, crisis intervention & ...

Efrat Aharonovich - Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist in NYC specializing in depression, addiction, family and interpersonal relationships, and adjustment after immigration.

Errol Gluck
Hypnosis NYC, weight control hypnosis, life coach new york, Gluck Solutions helps control and solves problems through hypnosis

Family Therapy Center for New York and Georgia
Expert help on custody, parental alienation, divorce and sex abuse.

Fountain House
Helping people with mental illness everywhere achieve their potential and be respected as co-workers, neighbors and friends.

Freedom to Create: Therapy for Artists
Welcome THE FREEDOM TO CREATE: THERAPY FOR ARTISTS Mary Herzog MPS, ATR-BC Establishing a life which supports and nourishes one's creativity is an enormous challenge. There are conflicts of time ...

Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training
Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training, NYC

Howard Z. Lorber, CSW
Individual, Couple and Group Psychotherapy for adults; professional supervision & training; consulting for business; computer consulting and web page design

Hugh Simmons, CSW
Website describing private psychotherapy practice for Hugh Simmons, CSW in downtown Brooklyn, New York.

Institute for Behavior Therapy
The oldest private Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Center in the Country. For over 30 years, the Institute for Behavior Therapy has served the needs of thousands of patients, professionals, and the ...

Janet Zinn, LCSW
An Oasis in Manhattan. The garden at Janet's office. Janet Zinn, LCSW 415 East 87th Street, #1D New York, NY 10128 Phone: 212-861-0861 email: Psychotherapist in Private Practice ...

Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services
A network of mental health and social services for New Yorkers of all ethnic, racial, socio-economic and religious backgrounds.

Manhattan Cognitive Behavioral Associates
Description of cognitive behavior therapy that contains information about the cognitive behavioral treatment of many psychological problems, including depression and anxiety, in adults, children, ...

Mark J. Evans, Ph.D

Marriage Couples Counseling in New York City
We offer caring marriage counseling and relationship problem advice in New York City. Locate marriage counselor and discuss premarital counseling issues.

Mary Anne Cohen, CSW, BCD
The New York Center for Eating Disorders offers supportive and healing resources to help you declare peace with your emotional eating problems.

Metropolitan Center for Mental Health
The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health (MCMH) was founded in 1962 to provide low cost mental health services to the Upper West Side Community.

Michael Koetting, CSW, MSW, CMC
Psychotherapist Michael Koetting, CSW, MSW, CMC. - psychotherapy for individuals and couples specializing in counseling and mental health for Gay Men, Older People and their Families (Geriatric ...

Mitchell W. Robin, Ph.D.
Welcome to the world of Dr. Mitch! Learn how REBT, the first Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, can help people with Anxiety, Performance Anxiety and Depression. Browse the search engines,use the bookstore, download some helpful or amusing files.

Mood Disorders Support Group of New York City
The Mood Disorders Support Group of New York (MDSG-NY) is a non profit, self-help organization serving both individuals with depression and manic-depression (bipolar disorder), as well as their ...

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