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Township Information - Bolton (Bolton)
CHAPTER XVII HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF BOLTON BOLTON is an irregularly-shaped, mountainous township lying in the extreme eastern part of Chittenden county. It is bounded on the north by Underhill, on ...

Township Information - Bridport (Bridport)
"The surface of this town is very level . . . The prevailing timber, in the west part of the town, is oak, with white and some Norway pine along the lake shore. In the eastern part it is, ...

Township Information - Brighton (Brighton)
Brighton is situated in the western part of the county, in lat. 44º45' and long. 5º 6'. It is bounded on the northwest by Charleston and Morgan, in Orleans county, on the northeast by Warren's ...

Township Information - Bristol (Bristol)
"About one third of this town lies entirely west of the Green Mountains, and is very level, rich and productive. The remainder of the town is broken, and a considerable part incapable of ...

Township Information - Brownington (Brownington)
Brownington lies in the eastern central part of the county, in lat. 44º 49', and long. 4º 51', bounded northeast by Salem and Charleston, southeast by Westmore, southwest by Barton, and ...

Township Information - Brunswick (Brunswick)
Brunswick lies in the eastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 43', long. 5º 18', and is bounded northeast by Bloomfield, east by the Connecticut river, southwest by Maidstone, and west by ...

Township Information - Burke (Burke)
Burke, one of the county's eastern tier of towns, lies in latitude 44º 36' and longitude 5º 2', and is bounded northeast by Newark and East Haven, the latter in Essex county; southeast by ...

Township Information - Burlington (Burlington)
CHAPTER XVIII HISTORY OF THE TOWN AND CITY OF BURLINGTON THE old town of Burlington, almost from the beginning the shire town of the county, and lying near the center of its west line, was ...

Township Information - Cambridge (Cambridge)
Cambridge, located in the extreme western part of the county, in latitude 44º 38', and longitude 4º 7', bounded north by Fletcher, in Franklin county, and Waterville, east by Johnson, Morristown ...

Township Information - Canaan (Canaan)
Canaan lies in the extreme northeastern corner of the county and state, in lat. 44º 57', and long. 5º 22', and is bounded north by Hereford, in Canada, east by the Connecticut river, southwest by ...

Township Information - Charleston (Charleston)
Charleston, an oblong town in the eastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 51', and long. 4º 57', bounded northeast by Morgan, southeast by Brighton, in Essex county, southwest by Westmore and ...

Township Information - Charlotte (Charlotte)
CHAPTER XIX HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF CHARLOTTE THE town of Charlotte, lying in the southwestern part of the county, is bounded north by Shelburne, east by Hinesburg, south by Ferrisburgh in Addison ...

Township Information - Colchester (Colchester)
CHAPTER XX. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF COLCHESTER. THE township of Colchester is bounded on the north by Milton, on the east by Essex, on the south by the city of Burlington and town of South ...

Township Information - Concord (Concord)
Concord lies in the extreme southern part of the county, in lat. 44º 25', and long. 5º 8', and is bounded north by Victory, northeast by Lunenburgh, southeast by the Connecticut river, southwest ...

Township Information - Cornwall (Cornwall)
This is a very handsome township of land, and the surface is generally level. Lemonfair River crosses the north-west corner, and Otter Creek washes a part of the eastern boundary . . . The ...

Township Information - Coventry (Coventry)
Coventry, located a little north of the central part of the county, in lat. 44º 53', and long. 4º 54', is a township of about thirty-five square miles in area, being in form an irregular ...

Township Information - Craftsbury (Craftsbury)
Craftsbury lies in the southern part of the county, in lat. 44º 39', and long. 4º 32', bounded northeasterly by Albany, southeasterly by Greensboro, southwesterly by Wolcott, and northwesterly by ...

Township Information - Danville (Danville)
Danville is a large, irregularly outlined township, lying in the central part of the county, in latitude 44º 26' and longitude 4º 54', and is bounded on the north by Wheelock, east by St. ...

Township Information - Derby (Derby)
Derby lies in the northern part of the county, in lat. 44º 58', and long. 4º 50', bounded north by Canada, east by Holland, southeast by Morgan and Charleston, southwest by Coventry and ...

Township Information - Dorset (Dorset)
"There are no considerable streams in this township . . . This township is considerably mountainous. Dorset Mountain lies in the north part, and extends into Danby, where it is called South ...

Township Information - East Haven (East Haven)
East Haven lies in the western part of the county, in lat. 44º 30' and long. 5º 5', bounded northeast by Ferdinand, southeast by Granby, southwest by Victory and Burke, and northwest by Newark. It ...

Township Information - Eden (Eden)
Eden, a lumbering town located in the northern part of the county, in lat. 44º 22’, and long. 4º 25’, bounded north by Lowell, in Orleans county, and Montgomery, in Franklin county, east by ...

Township Information - Elmore (Elmore)
Elmore, located in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 29', and long. 4º 29', is bounded northeasterly by Wolcott, southeasterly by Woodbury, southwesterly by Worcester, and ...

Township Information - Enosburg (Enosburg)
"The surface of this township is pleasantly diversified with hills and valleys; but the soil is better adapted to the production of grass than grain. It is well watered by Missisco River and by ...

Township Information - Essex (Essex)
CHAPTER XXI HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF ESSEX THE township of Essex was among the New Hampshire grants, and was chartered June 7, 1763. The original of this document is now extant. It begins, "George ...

Township Information - Fairfax (Fairfax)
"The surface of this township is somewhat uneven, and the soil light and easily cultivated, producing good corn and rye. Its principal streams are the River Lamoille . . . Brown's River and ...

Township Information - Fairfield (Fairfield)
"This township was originally covered principally with hard wood. The surface is uneven, but very little of it so broken as to be unfit for cultivation. The soil is generally good . . . The first ...

Township Information - Ferdinand (Ferdinand)
Ferdinand is a sparsely settled township in the central part of the county, and is bounded northeast by Lewis, east by Brunswick and Maidstone, southwesterly by Newark, East Haven and Granby, and ...

Township Information - Ferrisburg (Ferrisburgh)
"This township is watered principally by Otter, Little Otter and Lewis Creeks . . . About three miles north of the south-west corner of the township is one of the best harbors on the lake, called ...

Township Information - Fletcher (Fletcher)
"The River Lamoille just touches upon the southern extremity of this township. Metcalf Pond is about one mile long from north to south, and one third of a mile wide from east to west . . . The ...

Township Information - Franklin (Franklin)
"The River Rocher, or Rock River, rises in this township and falls into Missisco Bay in Highgate. It is also watered by several small branches of Missisco and Pike Rivers. A large pond lies near ...

Township Information - Georgia (Georgia)
"The River Lamoille . . . is the principal stream. In the north-east part is a pond, covering thirty or forty acres. It is surrounded by high lands, except a narrow outlet to the north, and is ...

Township Information - Glastenbury (Glastenbury)
"This is a township of forty square miles of mountainous land, more fit for the residence of wild beasts than human beings. Its waters flow both into Deerfield River and Walloomscoik. The town was ...

Township Information - Glover (Glover)
Glover lies in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 40', and long. 4º 45', bounded northeasterly by Barton, southeasterly by Sheffield, in Caledonia county, southwesterly by ...

Township Information - Goshen (Goshen)
"Leicester and Philadelphia Rivers supply this town with mill privileges. The lands along the rivers are very good, but in general they are too mountainous for profitable cultivation . . . No ...

Township Information - Granby (Granby)
Granby lies in the southern central part of the county, in lat. 44º 35', and long. 5º 5', bounded northeast by Ferdinand and Maidstone, southeast by Guildhall, southwest by Victory, and ...

Township Information - Grand_Isle (Grand Isle)
POPULATION AND VITAL STATISTICS The first census of the Island was taken in 1790, when it appears that Grand-Isle and South Hero together contained 537 inhabitants, of which number 337 were ...

Township Information - Granville (Granville)
The town of Granville, situated in the eastern part of the county, is bounded on the north by the town of Warren and a part of Roxbury in Washington county; east by Braintree, in Orange county; ...

Township Information - Greensboro (Greensboro)
Greensboro lies on the southern extremity of the county, in lat. 44º 36', and long. 4º 41", bounded northeast by Glover southeast by Wheelock and Goshen Gore, in Caledonia county, southwest by ...

Township Information - Groton (Groton)
Groton lies in the southwestern corner of the county, in latitude 44º 14' and longitude 4º 45', bounded north by Peacham, east by Ryegate, and south and west by the county line. It was granted ...

Township Information - Guildhall (Guildhall)
Guildhall, the county seat of Essex county, lies in the southeastern part of the same, in lat. 44º 32' and long. 5º 18', and is bounded on the northeast by Maidstone, east by the Connecticut ...

Township Information - Hancock (Hancock)
Hancock, the most southeasterly town in Addison county, is bounded on the north by Ripton and Granville, on the east and south by Windsor county, and on the west by Goshen and Ripton. It was ...

Township Information - Hardwick (Hardwick)
Hardwick lies the northwestern corner of the county, in latitude 44º 31' and longitude 4º 39', bounded north by Greensboro, in Orleans county, east by Walden, south by Woodbury, in Washington ...

Township Information - Highgate (Highgate)
"The Missico River enters this township from Sheldon, and after running some distance in the south part of it, passes in Swanton . . . About six miles above Swanton Falls is a fall in the river of ...

Township Information - Hinesburg (Hinesburg)
CHAPTER XXII HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF HINESBURG THIS town is situated in the southern part of the county, is bounded north by Shelburne, St. George and Richmond, east by Huntington and by ...

Township Information - Holland (Holland)
Holland lies in the northeastern corner of the County, in lat. 44º 58', and long. 4º 55', bounded north by the Canada line, east by Norton in Essex county, south by Morgan, and west by Derby. It ...

Township Information - Huntington (Huntington)
CHAPTER XXIII HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON is a mountainous town of irregular outline in the extreme southeastern part of the county, and is bounded north by Richmond and Bolton, ...

Township Information - Hyde_Park (Hyde Park)
Hyde Park, the shire town, and geographical as well as political center of the county, lies in lat. 44º 37’, and long. 4º 26', bounded northeasterly by Eden, southeasterly by Wolcott, ...

Township Information - Irasburg (Irasburg)
Irasburgh, the shire town of Orleans county, was granted by Vermont, February 23, 1781, to Ira Allen and sixty-nine associates. It then consisted of a tract of 23,040 acres, lying in lat. 44º 48', ...

Township Information - Isle La Motte (Isle La Motte)
"An island in the western part of the county. It was chartered by this name to Benjamin Wait and others, October 27, 1789, containing 4,620 acres. The name was altered to Vineyard, November 1, ...

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