Historical Organizations and Info in Vermont - Listings United States

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Township Information - Jay (Jay)
Jay is located in the northeastern corner of the county, in lat. 44º 57', and long. 4º 25', bounded north by the Canada line, east by Troy, south by Westfield, and west by Richford, in Franklin ...

Township Information - Jericho (Jericho)
CHAPTER XXIV HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF JERICHO By J. S. Cilley, A. M. THE town of Jericho, lying in the central part of Chittenden county, bounded north by Underhill, east by Bolton, south by ...

Township Information - Johnson (Johnson)
Johnson lies in the central part of the County, in latitude 44º 40', and longitude 4º 19', bounded northeasterly by Belvidere and Eden, southeasterly by Hyde Park and Morristown, southwesterly by ...

Township Information - Kirby (Kirby)
Kirby is a small, irregularly outlined township located in the eastern part of county, in lat. 44º 29' and long. 5º 4', bounded on the northeast by Burke and the county line, south and southeast ...

Township Information - Landgrove (Landgrove)
"This town is on elevated land, at the north-east corner of the county. Some of the head branches of West River have their sources here. The lands are too rough and high for much improvement . . . ...

Township Information - Leicester (Leicester)
"Leicester is watered by a river of its own name, by Otter Creek, and by a part of Lake Dunmore. These waters are too sluggish to afford the town much water power. The soil is of a sandy loam . ...

Township Information - Lemington (Lemington)
Lemington lies in the northeastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 53' and long. 5º 22', and is bounded north by Canaan, east by the Connecticut river, south by Bloomfield, and west by Averill. It ...

Township Information - Lewis (Lewis)
Lewis, an uninhabited township six miles square, in the northern part of the county, in lat. 5º 10' and long. 44º 53', is bounded northeasterly by Averill, southeasterly by Bloomfield, ...

Township Information - Lincoln (Lincoln)
"Lincoln is considerably uneven. The western part is watered by New Haven River, which is formed here; and several small branches of Mad River rise in the eastern part. The timber is principally ...

Township Information - Lunenburg (Lunenburg)
Lunenburgh lies in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 28' and long. 5º 15' and is bounded northeast by Guildhall, southeast by the Connecticut river, southwest by Concord, and ...

Township Information - Lyndon (Lyndon)
Lyndon occupies a position in the Passumpsic valley, in the eastern central part of the county, in lat. 44º 32', and long. 4º 54', and is bounded northeast by Sutton and Burke, southeast by Kirby, ...

Township Information - Maidstone (Maidstone)
Maidstone lies in the eastern part of the county, in lat. 44º 30’ and long. 5º 19', and is bounded northeast by Brunswick, east by the Connecticut river, southwest by Guildhall and Granby, and ...

Township Information - Manchester (Manchester)
"One of the county towns. Situated between the Green Mountains on the east, and Equinox Mountain on the west. The latter is 3,706 feet above the sea. There are two neat villages in this valley; ...

Township Information - Middlebury (Middlebury)
"This is a large and flourishing town on both sides of Otter Creek. The surface of the town is generally level. Chipman's Hill, 439 feet above Otter Creek, is the highest elevation . . . At the ...

Township Information - Milton (Milton)
CHAPTER XXV HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MILTON THE town of Milton, situated on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain, is in the northwestern corner of Chittenden county, and is bounded north by Georgia ...

Township Information - Monkton (Monkton)
"The western part of the town is watered by Little Otter Creek, and the eastern part by Pond Brook . . . Monkton Pond lies in the north part of the town, and is about a mile in length and half a ...

Township Information - Montgomery (Montgomery)
"This town lies in a mountainous country, but it has a valuable tract of land on Trout River, and good mill stream, a branch of the Missisco . . . Montgomery was granted March 13, 1780, and ...

Township Information - Mount Tabor (Mount Tabor)
THE town of Mount Tabor is situated in the southeast corner of Rutland county, and is bounded on the north by Wallingford and Mount Holly; on the east by Weston (Windsor county); on the south by ...

Township Information - New Haven (New Haven)
"The waters of Otter Creek, Middlebury River and Little Otter Creek give the town a good water power. There are some manufactures in the town, but agriculture is the principal pursuit of the ...

Township Information - Newark (Newark)
Newark lies in the extreme northern part of the county, in latitude 44º 42' and longitude 5º S', bounded northeast by Brighton, southeast by East Haven, southwest by Burke and Sutton, and ...

Township Information - North_Hero (North Hero)
"The soil of North Hero is of an excellent quality, and produces grains of all kinds in abundance. It has no streams of any consequence, and no mills or mill privileges . . . This is the shire ...

Township Information - Norton (Norton)
Norton lies in the extreme northwestern corner of the county, in lat. 44º 58', and long. 5º, 6’, and is bounded north by the Canada line, east by Averill, south by Warner's Grant*, Warren's Gore* ...

Township Information - Orwell (Orwell)
"Some of the land of this township is broken and hilly; the remaining part is very level, handsome land, and produces abundant crops of all kinds of grain. The principal streams are East Creek, ...

Township Information - Panton (Panton)
"Panton is bounded west by Champlain Lake, and east by Otter Creek . . . A settlement was commenced here in 1770, by John Pangborn and Odle Squire, from Cornwall, Ct., who were soon joined by ...

Township Information - Peacham (Peacham)
Peacham lies in the western part of the county, in lat. 44º 20', and long. 4º 47', and is bounded on the northeast by Danville, southeast by Barnet, southwest by Groton, and northwest by the ...

Township Information - Peru (Peru)
"This is a Green Mountain township, high and broken. It contains two large fish ponds, from which issue beautiful mountain streams. Here is fine fishing and delightful scenery . . . The ...

Township Information - Pownal (Pownal)
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF POWNAL By T. E. Brownell, esq. THE original limits of this town are thus expressed in the charter in 1760: South on the Massachusetts line, west by New York line, north on ...

Township Information - Readsboro (Readsboro)
"This is a mountainous township, at the south-east corner of the county, watered by Deerfield River. Much of the land in the town is too elevated to admit of cultivation. When it was first ...

Township Information - Richford (Richford)
"This is a mountainous township at the north-east corner of the county, and the line of Canada, and watered by Missisco River and its branches. There is some good land along the river; and the ...

Township Information - Richmond (Richmond)
CHAPTER XXVI HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND THE town of Richmond, situated in the central part of the county, is bounded north by Jericho, east by Bolton, south by Huntington and Hinesburg, and ...

Township Information - Ripton (Ripton)
"This is a mountainous township, the surface and soil of which are too broken and cold for much cultivation . . . Thist own was granted in 1781 and chartered to Abel Thompson and associates." ...

Township Information - Rupert (Rupert)
"A part of this township is mountainous, but the soil is generally good for grazing. Rupert produces some fine cattle. It is watered by Pawlet River, and a branch of the Battenkill, on which ...

Township Information - Ryegate (Ryegate)
Ryegate* lies in the extreme southern part of the county, on the Connecticut river, in lat. 14º 12', and long. 4º 54', bounded north by Barnet, east by the left bank of the Connecticut river, ...

Township Information - Saint Albans (Saint Albans)
"This is the shire town. The soil of St. Albans is fertile, and under the management of good farmers, is rendered very productive. The exports of wool, and other productions of the soil, are large ...

Township Information - Saint George (Saint George)
CHAPTER XXVII HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF ST. GEORGE ST. GEORGE is the smallest town in the county, lying about eight miles southeast from Burlington, and twenty-eight miles nearly west from ...

Township Information - Saint_Johnsbury (Saint Johnsbury)
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF ST. JOHNSBURY St.Johnsbury, * the county seat of Caledonia county, lies in the eastern-central part of the same, in lat. 44º 27', and Iong. 4º 58', and is bounded ...

Township Information - Salisbury (Salisbury)
"Otter Creek forms the western boundary of this town. The other streams are Middlebury River, which touches upon the north part, and Leicester River, which waters the southern part. Lake Dunmore ...

Township Information - Sandgate (Sandgate)
"The people of this town are favored with mountain air, and with crystal streams which even the Bostonians might relish. Shetterack and Bald Mountains are in the north-west part of the town; ...

Township Information - Searsburg (Searsburg)
"Searsburgh is too elevated on the Green Mountains, either for cultivation, population, or wool growing. It presents, from almost every point, wild and beautiful landscapes." Gazetteer of Vermont, ...

Township Information - Shaftsbury (Shaftsbury)
"Shaftsbury lies between the Battenkill and Walloomscoik Rivers; it has no large streams. Some tributaries of each of these rivers rise here, which afford several mill privileges. West Mountain ...

Township Information - Sheffield (Sheffield)
Sheffield lies in the northern part of the county, in lat. 44º 57', and long. 4º 51’, bounded on the northeast by the Orleans county line, easterly by Sutton, south and southwest by Wheelock, and ...

Township Information - Shelburne (Shelburne)
CHAPTER XXVIII HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF SHELBURNE SHELBURNE lies in the southwestern part of the county, and is bounded north by South Burlington and a part of Williston, east by St. George, south ...

Township Information - Sheldon (Sheldon)
"This is a good township of land, productive of wool, grain and other northern commodities. The River Missisco passes through the town, and Black Creek, a branch of that river, gives Sheldon ample ...

Township Information - Shoreham (Shoreham)
"Shoreham lies on the east side of Lake Champlain, and is watered by Lemonfair River, a good mill stream. The lake here is about a mile wide. The surface of Shoreham is level, and the soil ...

Township Information - Stamford (Stamford)
"A mountain township on the line of Massachusetts. Branches of the Hoosack and Walloomsack rise here. There are several fine fish ponds among the mountains; and some good land; but the lands in ...

Township Information - Stannard (Stannard)
Stannard, the smallest township in the county, lies in the western part of the same, in lat. 44º 33' and long. 4º 46', bounded northeast by Wheelock, southeast by Danville, southwest by Walden, ...

Township Information - Starksboro (Starksboro)
"This town is watered by Lewis Creek and Huntington River, which are good mill streams. The town is rough and mountainous. Hog's Back Mountain skirts its western border, and East Mountain passes ...

Township Information - Stowe (Stowe)
Stowe is situated in the southern part of the county, in lat. 44º 28', and long. 4º 20, ' bounded northeasterly by Morristown, southeasterly by Worcester, southwesterly by Waterbury, and ...

Township Information - Sunderland (Sunderland)
"The Battenkill River passes through the north-western part of this town, in a south-westerly direction . . . The settlement of Sunderland was commenced in 1766, by Messrs. Brownson, Bradley, ...

Township Information - Sutton (Sutton)
Sutton lies in the extreme northern part of the county, in lat. 44º 38' and long. 4º 56', and is bounded on the northeast by Newark and a part of the Orleans' county line, southeast by Burke, ...

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