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Detroit Photo Gallery

Grand Trunk Western RR, 2-8-4 #6327, near Detroit, MI
Grand Trunk Western RR, 2-8-4 #6327, near Detroit, MI

Detroit - Get Out
Detroit Attractions

Quick Info

Latitude: 42.2152 to 42.43939
Longitude: -82.90098 to -83.3497

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Area code(s): 248, 313, 517, 586, 734, 810
Zip Code(s): 48201, 48202, 48203, 48204, 48205, 48206, 48207, 48208, 48209, 48210, 48211, 48212, 48213, 48214, 48215, 48216, 48217, 48218, 48219, 48221, 48222, 48223, 48224, 48225, 48226, 48227, 48228, 48229, 48230, 48231, 48232, 48233, 48234, 48235, 48236, 48238, 48239, 48240, 48242, 48243, 48244, 48255, 48260, 48264, 48265, 48266, 48267, 48268, 48269, 48272, 48275, 48277, 48278, 48279, 48288
Population: 951,270


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Although Detroit itself provides only a limited number of attractions to visitors, the metropolitan area is large and diverse and contains many hot spots and attractions that are well worth visiting.
 • Dearborn -- Detroit's neighbor to the Southwest and home of Ford Motor Company, Dearborn contains Greenfield Village (a sort of historical amusement park) and the Automotive Hall of Fame for car-lovers. Dearborn is also home to the largest Middle-Eastern population in the US, with mosques   More...


Detroit, Michigan is an early industrial city in post-industrial times. Detroit is historically known as Motown (for "Motor Town") since Henry Ford started here and the city forms the heart of the American automobile industry. Modern Detroit still clings to the image of the glory days gone by and is working hard to maintain strength   More...


 • Motown Museum, 2648 West Grand Boulevard, 875-2264. Tu-Sa 10AM-6PM. The Motown Museum preserves the legacy of Motown Records, the record label that put Detroit on the world's music map. Located in label founder Berry Gordy, Jr.'s old home, the museum is hard to miss: Gordy's "Hitsville, USA" sign is still over the front door. $8.
 • Detroit Institute of Art, 5200 Woodward Avenue, 313-833-7900 CLOSED Monday and Tuesday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday and   More...

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